Gene: EXOC4

exocyst complex component 4
Ensembl:ENSG00000131558 MIM:608185 Vega:OTTHUMG00000155259 UniprotKB:Q96A65
PubMed|SNP Mapped
NA (AD)  NA (ND)   (Frontal_Cortex)
8.892e-1 (AD)  1.693e-1 (ND)


SNP ID Position Alleles Trait Variation Type
rs1476118chr7:133790019 (GRCh38.p7)C>A / C>Talcohol dependenceSNV(Single Nucleotide Variation)

DNA Methylation

There is no related methylation information for this gene.

Gene Expression in Different Tissues

Temporal and Spatial Expressions (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes average value of the expressions.

Top Co-expressed Genes in Brain-Frontal Cortex (BA9) (GTEx v7)

Top 10 positively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient


    There is no DrugBank record for this gene !

ID Drug Name Action PubMed
C0264861,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene"1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA"26377693
C5486512-(1'H-indolo-3'-carbonyl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester2-(1'H-indolo-3'-carbonyl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA19933214
C4591794-(5-benzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl-4-pyridin-2-yl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)benzamide"[NOG protein co-treated with Valproic Acid co-treated with (6-(4-(2-piperidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl))-3-pyridin-4-ylpyrazolo(1,5-a)pyrimidine co-treated with 4-(5-benzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl-4-pyridin-2-yl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)benzamide] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA"27188386
C516138(6-(4-(2-piperidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl))-3-pyridin-4-ylpyrazolo(1,5-a)pyrimidine"[NOG protein co-treated with Valproic Acid co-treated with (6-(4-(2-piperidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl))-3-pyridin-4-ylpyrazolo(1,5-a)pyrimidine co-treated with 4-(5-benzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl-4-pyridin-2-yl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)benzamide] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA"27188386
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 affects the expression of EXOC4 protein20106945
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA21641981|2210060
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in increased methylation of EXOC4 gene27153756
D001151ArsenicArsenic affects the methylation of EXOC4 gene25304211
C030935benz(a)anthracene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27858113
C006703benzo(b)fluoranthene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27858113
C006703benzo(b)fluoranthenebenzo(b)fluoranthene results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA26377693
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA20064835|2010694
D001564Benzo(a)pyrene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27858113
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA19770486|2261060
D0151237,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene 9,10-oxide"7,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene 9,10-oxide results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA"26238291
C044887beta-methylcholinebeta-methylcholine affects the expression of EXOC4 mRNA21179406
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA29275510
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA25181051
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A results in increased methylation of EXOC4 gene28505145
D019256Cadmium ChlorideCadmium Chloride results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA26472689
D002251Carbon TetrachlorideCarbon Tetrachloride affects the expression of EXOC4 mRNA17484886
D020111Chlorodiphenyl (54% Chlorine)Chlorodiphenyl (54% Chlorine) results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA23650126
C031180chrysene[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with benz(a)anthracene co-treated with benzo(b)fluoranthene co-treated with chrysene] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27858113
D003033Coal TarCoal Tar results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27858113
D019327Copper SulfateCopper Sulfate results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA19549813
D003993Dibutyl PhthalateDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA21266533
D002945Cisplatin[Cisplatin co-treated with jinfukang] results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27392435
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27392435|2759478
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA22023808
D004052DiethylnitrosamineDiethylnitrosamine results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA21607683
D004317DoxorubicinDoxorubicin results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA19277126
C045651epigallocatechin gallate[potassium chromate(VI) co-treated with epigallocatechin gallate] results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA22079256
D005047EtoposideEtoposide results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA25270620
D0150732-Acetylaminofluorene2-Acetylaminofluorene results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA21607683
D005557FormaldehydeFormaldehyde results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA23649840
C051890irinotecanirinotecan analog results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA18927307
C544151jinfukang[Cisplatin co-treated with jinfukang] results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA27392435
D008731MethoxychlorMethoxychlor results in increased methylation of EXOC4 gene23303685
C004925methylmercuric chloridemethylmercuric chloride results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA28001369
D016685MitomycinMitomycin results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA25270620
D009151Mustard GasMustard Gas results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA15674844
C030110oxaliplatin[oxaliplatin co-treated with Topotecan] results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA25729387
C006253pirinixic acidpirinixic acid results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA18445702
C006253pirinixic acidpirinixic acid results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA23811191
C027373potassium chromate(VI)[potassium chromate(VI) co-treated with epigallocatechin gallate] results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA22079256
C027373potassium chromate(VI)potassium chromate(VI) results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA22079256
D011794QuercetinQuercetin results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA21632981
D012715Sesame OilSesame Oil results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA29191790
C017947sodium arsenitesodium arsenite results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA25270620
C016104sodium bichromatesodium bichromate affects the expression of EXOC4 mRNA22110744
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin affects the expression of EXOC4 mRNA21570461
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA19933214
D019284ThapsigarginThapsigargin results in increased expression of EXOC4 protein24648495
D019772Topotecan[oxaliplatin co-treated with Topotecan] results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA25729387
C012589trichostatin Atrichostatin A results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA24935251
C057693troglitazonetroglitazone results in decreased expression of EXOC4 mRNA28973697
D014635Valproic Acid"[NOG protein co-treated with Valproic Acid co-treated with (6-(4-(2-piperidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl))-3-pyridin-4-ylpyrazolo(1,5-a)pyrimidine co-treated with 4-(5-benzo(1,3)dioxol-5-yl-4-pyridin-2-yl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)benzamide] results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA"27188386


GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0005515protein binding-IPI17043677  18329369  19885391  20579884  21241894  21658605  
25244576  25594178  26760201  27173435  
GO:0017160Ral GTPase binding-IPI24056301  
GO:0030165PDZ domain binding-IEA-  
GO:0047485protein N-terminus binding-IPI18480549  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0006612protein targeting to membrane-IBA21873635  
GO:0006893Golgi to plasma membrane transport-IBA21873635  
GO:0006904vesicle docking involved in exocytosis-IEA-  
GO:0007268chemical synaptic transmission-IBA21873635  
GO:0016241regulation of macroautophagy-TAS21241894  
GO:0048341paraxial mesoderm formation-IEA-  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0005886plasma membrane-TAS-  
GO:0032584growth cone membrane-IBA21873635  
GO:0035748myelin sheath abaxonal region-IEA-  
GO:0090543Flemming body-IEA-  
hsa04530Tight junction
Reactome ID Reactome Term Evidence
R-HSA-1445148Translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membraneIEA
R-HSA-1852241Organelle biogenesis and maintenanceTAS
R-HSA-199991Membrane TraffickingIEA
R-HSA-264876Insulin processingTAS
R-HSA-2980736Peptide hormone metabolismTAS
R-HSA-392499Metabolism of proteinsTAS
R-HSA-5617833Cilium AssemblyTAS
R-HSA-5620916VxPx cargo-targeting to ciliumTAS
R-HSA-5620920Cargo trafficking to the periciliary membraneTAS
R-HSA-5653656Vesicle-mediated transportIEA

Interactions (STRING v10.5, Interaction Score >= 0.400)

Publications (Co-occurrence of gene symbol strings and ANCO-Dependence terms)

PMID Title (Year) Author Journal
18498660Polymorphisms near EXOC4 and LRGUK on chromosome 7q32 are associated with Type 2 Diabetes and fasting glucose; the NHLBI Family Heart Study. (2008 May 22)Laramie JMBMC Med Genet