Gene: XRCC4

X-ray repair cross complementing 4
Ensembl:ENSG00000152422 MIM:194363 Vega:OTTHUMG00000131319 UniprotKB:Q13426
NA (AD)  NA (ND)   (Frontal_Cortex)
6.292e-1 (AD)  8.387e-2 (ND)

DNA Methylation

There is no related methylation information for this gene.

Gene Expression in Different Tissues

Temporal and Spatial Expressions (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes average value of the expressions.

Top Co-expressed Genes in Brain-Frontal Cortex (BA9) (GTEx v7)

Top 10 positively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes

Gene Symbol Pearson Correlation Coefficient


ID Drug Name Drug Type CAS Num Status Role
DB03963S-(Dimethylarsenic)CysteineSmall MoleculeExperimentalTarget
ID Drug Name Action PubMed
C0235142,6-dinitrotoluene"2,6-dinitrotoluene affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA"21346803
C0306823-chlorophenol3-chlorophenol results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA18486366
D000082AcetaminophenAcetaminophen results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA29067470
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 affects the expression of XRCC4 protein20106945
D016604Aflatoxin B1Aflatoxin B1 results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA19770486
D000393Air PollutantsAir Pollutants results in increased expression of XRCC4 protein28389379
D016590AphidicolinXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Aphidicolin21785230
D001151ArsenicArsenic results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA21332098
D001151ArsenicArsenic results in decreased expression of XRCC4 protein21332098
D001151ArsenicCurcumin inhibits the reaction [Arsenic results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA]21332098
D001151ArsenicCurcumin inhibits the reaction [Arsenic results in decreased expression of XRCC4 protein]21332098
C006632arsenic trioxidearsenic trioxide results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA17530438
D001280AtrazineAtrazine results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA25929836
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA20064835|2010694
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA19770486|2171566
D001564Benzo(a)pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22228805
D0151237,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene 9,10-oxide"7,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene 9,10-oxide results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA"19150397|2001819
C006780bisphenol Abisphenol A affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA25181051
D002166CamptothecinXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Camptothecin21785230
D002746ChlorpromazineChlorpromazine results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA15924885
C074702chromium hexavalent ionchromium hexavalent ion results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA27793765
D003474CurcuminCurcumin inhibits the reaction [Arsenic results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA]21332098
D003474CurcuminCurcumin inhibits the reaction [Arsenic results in decreased expression of XRCC4 protein]21332098
D003907DexamethasoneDexamethasone inhibits the reaction [RX3 gene mutant form affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA]27941970
D002945CisplatinXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Cisplatin21785230
D002945CisplatinCisplatin results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA21151649
C118739entinostatentinostat results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA27188386
C045651epigallocatechin gallateepigallocatechin gallate inhibits the reaction [potassium chromate(VI) results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA]22079256
C045651epigallocatechin gallate[potassium chromate(VI) co-treated with epigallocatechin gallate] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22079256
D005047EtoposideBRCA1 protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [Etoposide results in increased expression of XRCC4 protein]16417649
D005047EtoposideEtoposide results in increased expression of XRCC4 protein16417649
D005047EtoposideXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Etoposide21785230
D005467FloxuridineXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Floxuridine21785230
D005557FormaldehydeFormaldehyde results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA23649840
D006918HydroxyureaXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Hydroxyurea21785230
D007052IbuprofenIbuprofen results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA28201806
C051890irinotecanirinotecan metabolite results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA15956246
C051890irinotecanirinotecan results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA15956246
C544151jinfukangjinfukang results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA27392435
C561695(+)-JQ1 compound(+)-JQ1 compound results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA24796395
D007854LeadLead affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA22313790
D007854LeadXRCC4 gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Lead22466227
D018021Lithium ChlorideLithium Chloride results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA19285016
D008741Methyl MethanesulfonateMethyl Methanesulfonate results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA26011545
D008741Methyl MethanesulfonateXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Methyl Methanesulfonate21785230
D016685MitomycinXRCC4 results in decreased susceptibility to Mitomycin21785230
D016686Monocrotaline[Monocrotaline co-treated with Rifampin co-treated with Phenytoin co-treated with PRKDC] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA21224054
C406082monomethylarsonous acidmonomethylarsonous acid results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22108045
D009532NickelNickel results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA25583101
C022838nickel chloridenickel chloride affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA28472268
C022838nickel chloridenickel chloride results in increased expression of XRCC4 protein28472268
D019319Okadaic AcidOkadaic Acid results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA25270620
C030110oxaliplatin[oxaliplatin co-treated with Topotecan] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA25729387
D010416PentachlorophenolPentachlorophenol results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA18486366
D010634PhenobarbitalPhenobarbital affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA19136022
D010672Phenytoin[Monocrotaline co-treated with Rifampin co-treated with Phenytoin co-treated with PRKDC] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA21224054
C006253pirinixic acidpirinixic acid affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA19136022
C006253pirinixic acidpirinixic acid results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA18301758|2381119
C027373potassium chromate(VI)epigallocatechin gallate inhibits the reaction [potassium chromate(VI) results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA]22079256
C027373potassium chromate(VI)[potassium chromate(VI) co-treated with epigallocatechin gallate] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22079256
C027373potassium chromate(VI)potassium chromate(VI) results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22079256
D011374ProgesteroneProgesterone results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA18070364
C031280pyrazolepyrazole results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA17945193
C547185riccardin Driccardin D results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA24069304
D012293Rifampin[Monocrotaline co-treated with Rifampin co-treated with Phenytoin co-treated with PRKDC] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA21224054
C017947sodium arsenitesodium arsenite results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA25787150
D013654TaurineTaurine results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA16579726
C003377taxifolintaxifolin results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA17541156
D013662TeaTea results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22181980
D013662TeaTea results in increased expression of XRCC4 protein22181980
D013749TetrachlorodibenzodioxinTetrachlorodibenzodioxin promotes the reaction [AHR protein binds to XRCC4 promoter]19654925
D019772Topotecan[oxaliplatin co-treated with Topotecan] results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA25729387
D014635Valproic AcidValproic Acid affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA25979313
D014635Valproic AcidValproic Acid affects the expression of XRCC4 mRNA17963808
D014638VanadatesVanadates results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA22714537
D001335Vehicle EmissionsVehicle Emissions affects the methylation of XRCC4 gene25560391
C111237vorinostatvorinostat results in increased expression of XRCC4 mRNA27188386
D015032ZincZinc deficiency results in decreased expression of XRCC4 mRNA18356318


GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0003677DNA bindingNOTIDA9259561  
GO:0005515protein binding-IPI9809069  11702069  15380105  15385968  16275660  16439205  
16713569  17124166  17353262  17353931  17389648  17396150  
18064046  21349273  21637298  21768349  22529269  23178593  
23219551  24095731  25416956  25910212  26496610  
GO:0008022protein C-terminus binding-IPI9259561  
GO:0016874ligase activityNOTIDA9242410  
GO:0042802identical protein binding-IPI16169070  21768349  25416956  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0006302double-strand break repair-IDA9242410  
GO:0006303double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining-IBA21873635  
GO:0006303double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining-IDA12517771  
GO:0006303double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining-IMP9809069  
GO:0006303double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining-NAS16439205  
GO:0006303double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining-TAS-  
GO:0006310DNA recombination-IEA-  
GO:0010165response to X-ray-IDA9242410  
GO:0051103DNA ligation involved in DNA repair-IDA12517771  
GO:0051351positive regulation of ligase activity-IDA9242410  
GO:0071285cellular response to lithium ion-IEA-  
GO:0075713establishment of integrated proviral latency-TAS-  
GO ID GO Term Qualifier Evidence PubMed
GO:0000793condensed chromosomeNOTIDA12589063  
GO:0005634nucleus-IDA9259561  12589063  
GO:0005958DNA-dependent protein kinase-DNA ligase 4 complex-IDA15194694  
GO:0032807DNA ligase IV complex-IDA9242410  
GO:0070419nonhomologous end joining complex-IDA20383123  25941166  
hsa03450Non-homologous end-joining
Reactome ID Reactome Term Evidence
R-HSA-162587HIV Life CycleTAS
R-HSA-162592Integration of provirusTAS
R-HSA-162594Early Phase of HIV Life CycleTAS
R-HSA-162906HIV InfectionTAS
R-HSA-1648432-LTR circle formationTAS
R-HSA-3108214SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteinsTAS
R-HSA-3108232SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteinsTAS
R-HSA-392499Metabolism of proteinsTAS
R-HSA-5663205Infectious diseaseTAS
R-HSA-5693532DNA Double-Strand Break RepairTAS
R-HSA-5693571Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ)TAS
R-HSA-597592Post-translational protein modificationTAS
R-HSA-73894DNA RepairTAS

Interactions (STRING v10.5, Interaction Score >= 0.400)

Publications (Co-occurrence of gene symbol strings and ANCO-Dependence terms)

PMID Title (Year) Author Journal
18164646A novel single nucleotide polymorphism in XRCC4 gene is associated with oral cancer susceptibility in Taiwanese patients. (2008 Sep)Chiu CFOral Oncol
14698416DNA repair gene polymorphisms, pre-natal factors and the frequency of somatic mutations in the glycophorin-A gene among healthy newborns. (2004 Jan 12)Relton CLMutat Res
19408343Lung cancer susceptibility and prognosis associated with polymorphisms in the nonhomologous end-joining pathway genes: a multiple genotype-phenotype study. (2009 Jul 1)Tseng RCCancer
21617942Gene variants of XRCC4 and XRCC3 and their association with risk for urothelial bladder cancer. (2012 Feb)Mittal RDMol Biol Rep
18630527Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in Taiwan. (2008 May-Jun)Tseng HCAnticancer Res
23663450Genetic polymorphisms of DNA double-strand break repair pathway genes and glioma susceptibility. (2013 May 10)Zhao PBMC Cancer
29050484eNOS and XRCC4 VNTR variants contribute to formation of nicotine dependence and/or schizophrenia. (2017)Pehlivan SBratisl Lek Listy
15746160Constitutional short telomeres are strong genetic susceptibility markers for bladder cancer. (2005 Jul)Broberg KCarcinogenesis
15680411DNA repair gene polymorphisms in relation to chromosome aberration frequencies in retired radiation workers. (2005 Feb 15)Wilding CSMutat Res
19729825Lung cancer susceptibility and genetic polymorphism of DNA repair gene XRCC4 in Taiwan. (2009)Hsu NYCancer Biomark