
Homo sapiens
A>C / A>G
Check p-value
SNV (Single Nucleotide Variation)
A==0224 (4500/20061,GnomAD)
C=0000 (6/12804,TOPMED)
A==0235 (886/3775,1000G)
A==0062 (231/3708,TWINSUK)
A==0068 (196/2889,ALSPAC)
chrX:149385781 (GRCh38.p7) (Xq28)
1   publication(s)
See rs on genome
0 Enhancer around
0 Promoter around

Genomic Coordinates

Sequence Name Change(s)
GRCh38.p7 chr XNC_000023.11:g.149385781A>C
GRCh38.p7 chr XNC_000023.11:g.149385781A>G
GRCh37.p13 chr X fix patch HG1459_PATCHNW_004070890.2:g.4910178A>C
GRCh37.p13 chr X fix patch HG1459_PATCHNW_004070890.2:g.4910178A>G
GRCh37.p13 chr XNC_000023.10:g.148467311A>C
GRCh37.p13 chr XNC_000023.10:g.148467311A>G

Population Frequency

Study Population Group Sample # Ref Allele Alt Allele
1000GenomesEast AsianSub764A=0.130G=0.870
1000GenomesSouth AsianSub718A=0.110G=0.890
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and ChildrenPARENT AND CHILD COHORTStudy-wide2889A=0.068G=0.932
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseAfricanSub5589A=0.555G=0.445
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseAmericanSub588A=0.070G=0.930
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseEast AsianSub965A=0.160G=0.840
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseEuropeSub12738A=0.093G=0.906
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseGlobalStudy-wide20061A=0.224G=0.775
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseOtherSub181A=0.050G=0.950
Trans-Omics for Precision MedicineGlobalStudy-wide12804A=0.999C=0.000
UK 10K study - TwinsTWIN COHORTStudy-wide3708A=0.062G=0.938
PMID Title Author Journal
17158188Novel genes identified in a high-density genome wide association study for nicotine dependence.Bierut LJHum Mol Genet


SNP ID p-value Traits Study
rs11202110.000301nicotine dependence17158188

eQTL of rs1120211 in Brain tissues (GTEx Analysis Release V7)

Position (v37) eGene GeneID Variant p-value TSS Tissue
There is no eQTL annotation for this SNP

meQTL of rs1120211 in Fetal Brain

Probe ID Position Gene beta p-value
There is no meQTL annotation for this SNP

Genomic View

Chromatin Interaction

There is no significant Hi-C chromatin interaction data for this SNP.