
Homo sapiens
GRM8 : Intron Variant
Check p-value
SNV (Single Nucleotide Variation)
A=0054 (1629/29962,GnomAD)
A=0045 (1309/29118,TOPMED)
A=0078 (393/5008,1000G)
chr7:127034996 (GRCh38.p7) (7q31.33)
4   publication(s)
See rs on genome
0 Enhancer around
0 Promoter around

Genomic Coordinates

Sequence Name Change(s)
GRCh38.p7 chr 7NC_000007.14:g.127034996G>A
GRCh37.p13 chr 7NC_000007.13:g.126675050G>A
GRM8 RefSeqGeneNG_029532.1:g.222379C>T

Gene: GRM8, glutamate metabotropic receptor 8(minus strand)

Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
GRM8 transcript variant 1NM_000845.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant 2NM_001127323.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant 3NR_028041.1:n.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X2XM_006715938.3:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X1XM_011516091.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X3XM_011516092.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X5XM_011516094.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X6XM_011516095.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X12XM_011516101.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X13XM_011516102.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X14XM_011516103.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X4XM_017012074.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X7XM_017012075.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X8XM_017012076.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X9XM_017012077.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X10XM_017012078.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X11XM_017012079.1:c.N/AIntron Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X17XM_011516108.2:c.N/AGenic Upstream Transcript Variant
GRM8 transcript variant X15XM_017012080.1:c.N/AGenic Upstream Transcript Variant

Population Frequency

Study Population Group Sample # Ref Allele Alt Allele
1000GenomesEast AsianSub1008G=0.874A=0.126
1000GenomesSouth AsianSub978G=0.860A=0.140
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseAfricanSub8732G=0.975A=0.025
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseAmericanSub838G=0.920A=0.080
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseEast AsianSub1606G=0.873A=0.127
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseEuropeSub18484G=0.939A=0.060
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseGlobalStudy-wide29962G=0.945A=0.054
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseOtherSub302G=0.910A=0.090
Trans-Omics for Precision MedicineGlobalStudy-wide29118G=0.955A=0.045
PMID Title Author Journal
19268276Genome-wide association study of smoking initiation and current smoking.Vink JMAm J Hum Genet
22719919Glutamate and synaptic plasticity systems and smoking behavior: results from a genetic association study.dos Santos VAPLoS One
27181159A genetic variant in proximity to the gene LYPLAL1 is associated with lower hunger feelings and increased weight loss following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.Bandstein MScand J Gastroenterol
25542302Role of genetic variants in ADIPOQ in human eating behavior.Rohde KGenes Nutr


SNP ID p-value Traits Study
rs22377814.02E-05nicotine smoking19268276

eQTL of rs2237781 in Brain tissues (GTEx Analysis Release V7)

Position (v37) eGene GeneID Variant p-value TSS Tissue
There is no eQTL annotation for this SNP

meQTL of rs2237781 in Fetal Brain

Probe ID Position Gene beta p-value
There is no meQTL annotation for this SNP

Genomic View

Chromatin Interaction

There is no significant Hi-C chromatin interaction data for this SNP.