
Homo sapiens
delT / dupT / dupTT / dupTTT
LAMC3 : Intron Variant
Check p-value
Indel (Insertion and Deletion)
delT=0371 (1857/5008,1000G)
chr9:131051366-131051382 (GRCh38.p7) (9q34.12)
1   publication(s)
See rs on genome
0 Enhancer around
0 Promoter around

Genomic Coordinates

Sequence Name Change(s)
GRCh38.p7 chr 9NC_000009.12:g.131051382delT
GRCh38.p7 chr 9NC_000009.12:g.131051382dup
GRCh38.p7 chr 9NC_000009.12:g.131051381_131051382dup
GRCh38.p7 chr 9NC_000009.12:g.131051380_131051382dup
GRCh37.p13 chr 9NC_000009.11:g.133926769delT
GRCh37.p13 chr 9NC_000009.11:g.133926769dup
GRCh37.p13 chr 9NC_000009.11:g.133926768_133926769dup
GRCh37.p13 chr 9NC_000009.11:g.133926767_133926769dup
LAMC3 RefSeqGeneNG_029800.1:g.47266delT
LAMC3 RefSeqGeneNG_029800.1:g.47266dup
LAMC3 RefSeqGeneNG_029800.1:g.47265_47266dup
LAMC3 RefSeqGeneNG_029800.1:g.47264_47266dup

Gene: LAMC3, laminin subunit gamma 3(plus strand)

Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
LAMC3 transcriptNM_006059.3:c.N/AIntron Variant
LAMC3 transcript variant X2XM_006716921.2:c.N/AIntron Variant
LAMC3 transcript variant X1XM_011518121.1:c.N/AIntron Variant

Population Frequency

Study Population Group Sample # Ref Allele Alt Allele
1000GenomesEast AsianSub1008(T)17=0.532delT=0.468
1000GenomesSouth AsianSub978(T)17=0.600delT=0.400
PMID Title Author Journal
29460428Genomewide Association Study of Alcohol Dependence and Related Traits in a Thai Population.Gelernter JAlcohol Clin Exp Res


SNP ID p-value Traits Study
rs58477043 2E-06alcohol consumption measurement29460428

eQTL of rs58477043 in Brain tissues (GTEx Analysis Release V7)

Position (v37) eGene GeneID Variant p-value TSS Tissue
There is no eQTL annotation for this SNP

meQTL of rs58477043 in Fetal Brain

Probe ID Position Gene beta p-value
There is no meQTL annotation for this SNP

Genomic View

Chromatin Interaction

There is no significant Hi-C chromatin interaction data for this SNP.