
Homo sapiens
A>G / A>T
ADH1A : 2KB Upstream Variant
LOC100507053 : Intron Variant
Check p-value
SNV (Single Nucleotide Variation)
A==0184 (5520/29956,GnomAD)
A==0200 (5829/29118,TOPMED)
A==0171 (854/5008,1000G)
chr4:99293007 (GRCh38.p7) (4q23)
5   publication(s)
See rs on genome
6 Enhancers around
0 Promoter around

Genomic Coordinates

Sequence Name Change(s)
GRCh38.p7 chr 4NC_000004.12:g.99293007A>G
GRCh38.p7 chr 4NC_000004.12:g.99293007A>T
GRCh37.p13 chr 4NC_000004.11:g.100214164A>G
GRCh37.p13 chr 4NC_000004.11:g.100214164A>T

Gene: ADH1A, alcohol dehydrogenase 1A (class I), alpha polypeptide(minus strand): 2KB Upstream Variant

Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
ADH1A transcriptNM_000667.3:c.N/AUpstream Transcript Variant
ADH1A transcript variant X1XR_001741125.1:n.N/AN/A

Gene: LOC100507053, uncharacterized LOC100507053(plus strand)

Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
LOC100507053 transcriptNR_037884.1:n.N/AIntron Variant

Population Frequency

Study Population Group Sample # Ref Allele Alt Allele
1000GenomesEast AsianSub1008A=0.089G=0.911
1000GenomesSouth AsianSub978A=0.230G=0.770
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseAfricanSub8718A=0.230G=0.770
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseAmericanSub834A=0.200G=0.80,
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseEast AsianSub1620A=0.089G=0.911
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseEuropeSub18482A=0.171G=0.829
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseGlobalStudy-wide29956A=0.184G=0.815
The Genome Aggregation DatabaseOtherSub302A=0.150G=0.85,
Trans-Omics for Precision MedicineGlobalStudy-wide29118A=0.200G=0.799
PMID Title Author Journal
24166409Genome-wide association study of alcohol dependence:significant findings in African- and European-Americans including novel risk loci.Gelernter JMol Psychiatry
19193628ADH single nucleotide polymorphism associations with alcohol metabolism in vivo.Birley AJHum Mol Genet
18331377Association of ADH and ALDH genes with alcohol dependence in the Irish Affected Sib Pair Study of alcohol dependence (IASPSAD) sample.Kuo PHAlcohol Clin Exp Res
21083667Haplotype-based study of the association of alcohol-metabolizing genes with alcohol dependence in four independent populations.Liu JAlcohol Clin Exp Res
19526455ADH1A variation predisposes to personality traits and substance dependence.Zuo LAm J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet


SNP ID p-value Traits Study
rs9040925.00E-09alcohol dependence(AA)24166409
rs9040929.00E-06alcohol dependence(ALL)24166409

eQTL of rs904092 in Brain tissues (GTEx Analysis Release V7)

Position (v37) eGene GeneID Variant p-value TSS Tissue
There is no eQTL annotation for this SNP

meQTL of rs904092 in Fetal Brain

Probe ID Position Gene beta p-value
There is no meQTL annotation for this SNP

Genomic View

Chromatin Interaction

There is no significant Hi-C chromatin interaction data for this SNP.

Enhancer Annotation (GRCh37.p13)

Chromosome Start End Region Distance ( -/+ : Up/Downstream )