p.R1403H | TCGA-22-4609 | LUSC | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.R1403H | DO26838 | LUSC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.D1400Y | TCGA-43-2581 | LUSC | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7325 |
p.D1400Y | DO26602 | LUSC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7325 |
p.S1406F | TCGA-90-A4ED | LUSC | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7982 |
p.S1406F | DO45482 | LUSC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7982 |
p.R1413W | TCGA-AX-A2HD | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1413W | DO42608 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.T940M | TCGA-AY-6197 | COAD | TCGA | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.T940M | SIDM00999 | Bladder Carcinoma | GDSC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.T940M | ACH-000973 | Bladder Cancer | CCLE | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.T940M | 639-V | urinary tract | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.E926D | TCGA-AZ-4615 | COAD | TCGA | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1405C | TCGA-B5-A0JZ | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R1405C | DO42761 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.E1408K | TCGA-BR-8081 | STAD | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.E1408K | DO23308 | LINC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.E1408K | DO38795 | STAD | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1413L | TCGA-CG-4305 | STAD | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1413L | DO38823 | STAD | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1403C | TCGA-CG-4305 | STAD | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8301 |
p.R1403C | DO38823 | STAD | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8301 |
p.R1401Q | TCGA-EC-A24G | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6218 |
p.R1401Q | DO40996 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6218 |
p.S937T | TCGA-EE-A2MU | SKCM | TCGA | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7116 |
p.R929H | TCGA-K4-A3WU | BLCA | TCGA | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.S949R | TCGA-LP-A5U3 | CESC | TCGA | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.G1389E | DO225223 | BRCA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5 |
p.R1405H | DO230326 | COCA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7133 |
p.R1405H | DO222769 | COCA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7133 |
p.R1409H | DO233737 | GACA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.S938L | DO44445 | HNSC | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7667 |
p.A1396D | DO228974 | LICA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.D1416E | DO229024 | LICA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.N934K | DO229008 | LICA | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5806 |
p.P937S | DO23354 | LINC | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.A928V | DO23308 | LINC | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.A928V | DO26766 | LUSC | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.A928E | DO23516 | LIRI | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.E935K | DO222532 | MELA | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.591 |
p.R1394C | DO228138 | PBCA | ICGC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R1394C | SIDM00217 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R1394C | SNU-1040 | large intestine | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.E933K | DO37831 | SKCM | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.N934S | DO42023 | UCEC | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5958 |
p.P949S | DO41752 | UCEC | ICGC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.D1400N | SIDM01314 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6932 |
p.R929C | SIDM00958 | Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia | GDSC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R929C | ACH-000920 | Leukemia | CCLE | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R929C | CML-T1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R1405G | SIDM01261 | Breast Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6457 |
p.R1405G | SIDM00314 | Breast Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6457 |
p.R1405G | ACH-000097 | Breast Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6457 |
p.R1405G | ACH-002208 | Breast Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6457 |
p.R1405G | YMB-1-E | breast | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6457 |
p.R1394H | SIDM00602 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R1394H | IM-95 | stomach | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.P931L | SIDM01199 | Hepatocellular Carcinoma | GDSC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.P931L | ACH-000493 | Liver Cancer | CCLE | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.P931L | SNU-423 | liver | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.A1404P | SIDM00741 | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7503 |
p.A1404P | ACH-000431 | Lung Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7503 |
p.A1404P | NCI-H1694 | lung | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7503 |
p.S943L | SIDM01093 | Cervical Carcinoma | GDSC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.S943L | ACH-000556 | Cervical Cancer | CCLE | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.S1391L | SIDM01146 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.S1391L | NCI-SNU-1 | stomach | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.G1390D | SIDM00217 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.G1390D | ACH-000999 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.G1390D | SNU-1040 | large intestine | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.P931R | SIDM00579 | Neuroblastoma | GDSC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.P931R | NB(TU)1-10 | autonomic ganglia | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.A1396T | SIDM00274 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.A1396T | ACH-000047 | Gastric Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.A1396T | ACH-002025 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.A1396T | GCIY | stomach | COSMIC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.L938P | SIDM00451 | T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia | GDSC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.L938P | ACH-000937 | Leukemia | CCLE | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.L938P | PF-382 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.R1395S | SIDM01758 | B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma | GDSC | RRRSLERLL | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1399:1407 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.6667 |
p.R923S | SKM-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.D942N | PF-382 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.P927L | COLO-679 | skin | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.N938K | Daudi | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6918 |
p.N938K | OCI-AML5 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6918 |
p.A933V | HCT-15 | large intestine | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6936 |
p.I935T | HPAC | pancreas | COSMIC | TENEVPSP | DEG_COP1_1 | 932:939 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7078 |