Antigen presentation prediction and epitope discovery by multimodal deep neural network
The ImmuneApp 1.0 server predicts peptides binding to any human MHC molecule (>10,000) using deep learning by tntegrating large-scale immunopeptidomes. The model is trained on a combination of more than 1,000,000 mass-spectrometry Eluted Ligands (EL) peptides by automatically learning discriminative features and essential residues from the ligand along the layer hierarchy with MHC-ligand co-embedding. By default, ImmuneApp 1.0 server will provide binding measurements and eluted ligand likelihood prediction.
Important note: Each job may take 1-10 minutes to finish. You may retrive the results anytime using the Job Identifier (JID e.g., JOB1234_1234567890). Please do keep a record of the JID.
Example result: A quick example result page can be checked here