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WebCSEA provides a convenient and robust tissue-cell-type-specific enrichment analysis for the inquiry gene list/signatures by gene symbol ranging from 20 to 2000. These exploratory gene lists could come from a broad range of contexts, for example 1) cellular context for candidate genes of complex disease, 2) validation for tissue-specific and cell type-specific signatures, 3) differentially expressed genes from bulk transcriptome/epigenome, 4) validation of developmental stage-specific genes, and 5) tissue-cell-type specific gene ontology/KEGG pathway. Have fun!

Important note: Each job may take 1-3 minutes to finish. Please stay on the page. Or, you can keep a record of the Job Identifier (Job ID, e.g., JOB1234_abc123XYZ). The result files will be kept for 30 days on our server, then will be deleted. You can always retrieve the results using the Job Identifier (within 30 days).

Example result: A list of application cases be checked here

Input parameters

0 gene(s) were mapped to the background gene list.