Gene Page: ARAP1

GeneID  116985
Symbol  ARAP1
Synonyms  CENTD2|KIAA0782
Description  ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1
See related  HGNC:16925|MIM:606646|Ensembl:ENSG00000186635|HPRD:09440|
Locus tag  -
Gene type  protein-coding
Map location  11q13.4
Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Evidence Info
GO_AnnotationMapping neuro-related keywords to Gene Ontology annotationsHits with neuro-related keywords: 1 
General Gene Expression (microarray) ?
Gene Expression in Brain Regions (new)
Top co-expressed genes in Brain Regions (new)
GenePearson's Correlation Spearman's Correlation
Top 10 positively co-expressed genes
Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes
Gene Ontology
Molecular functionGO termEvidenceNeuro keywordsPubMed ID
GO:0005100Rho GTPase activator activityIDA11804590 
GO:0005547phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate bindingIDA11804589 
GO:0005515protein bindingIPI16169070 
GO:0008270zinc ion bindingIEA-
GO:0008060ARF GTPase activator activityIDA11804590 
GO:0008060ARF GTPase activator activityIEA-
GO:0046872metal ion bindingIEA-
Biological processGO termEvidenceNeuro keywordsPubMed ID
GO:0051491positive regulation of filopodium formationIMPaxon (GO term level: 12)11804590 
GO:0007165signal transductionIEA-
GO:0008360regulation of cell shapeIMP11804590 
GO:0030037actin filament reorganization during cell cycleTAS11804590 
GO:0043089positive regulation of Cdc42 GTPase activityIDA11804590 
GO:0032312regulation of ARF GTPase activityIEA-
GO:0051270regulation of cell motionIMP11804590 
GO:0051497negative regulation of stress fiber formationIMP11804590 
Cellular componentGO termEvidenceNeuro keywordsPubMed ID
GO:0005794Golgi apparatusIDA11804590 
InteractionsShown by Network
InteractorsAliases BOfficial full name BExperimentalSourcePubMed ID
ARIH2ARI2 | FLJ10938 | FLJ33921 | TRIAD1ariadne homolog 2 (Drosophila)Two-hybridBioGRID16169070 
ARPC3ARC21 | p21-Arcactin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3, 21kDaTwo-hybridBioGRID16169070 
FGFR3ACH | CD333 | CEK2 | HSFGFR3EX | JTK4fibroblast growth factor receptor 3Two-hybridBioGRID16169070 
XRCC6CTC75 | CTCBF | G22P1 | KU70 | ML8 | TLAAX-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6Two-hybridBioGRID16169070 
Pathway annotation
Pathway namePathway size# SZGR genes in pathwayInfo
KEGG_ENDOCYTOSIS 183132All SZGR genes in this pathway
PID_RHOA_REG_PATHWAY 4630All SZGR genes in this pathway
PID_PDGFRB_PATHWAY 129103All SZGR genes in this pathway
REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_RHO_GTPASES 11381All SZGR genes in this pathway
WANG_CLIM2_TARGETS_UP 269146All SZGR genes in this pathway
DARWICHE_SKIN_TUMOR_PROMOTER_UP 14296All SZGR genes in this pathway
DARWICHE_PAPILLOMA_RISK_LOW_DN 165107All SZGR genes in this pathway
DARWICHE_PAPILLOMA_RISK_HIGH_DN 180110All SZGR genes in this pathway
DARWICHE_SQUAMOUS_CELL_CARCINOMA_UP 146104All SZGR genes in this pathway
PEREZ_TP53_TARGETS 1174695All SZGR genes in this pathway
BLALOCK_ALZHEIMERS_DISEASE_UP 16911088All SZGR genes in this pathway
DOUGLAS_BMI1_TARGETS_DN 314188All SZGR genes in this pathway
LEIN_CEREBELLUM_MARKERS 8547All SZGR genes in this pathway
WEST_ADRENOCORTICAL_TUMOR_DN 546362All SZGR genes in this pathway
QI_PLASMACYTOMA_UP 259185All SZGR genes in this pathway
CHEN_METABOLIC_SYNDROM_NETWORK 1210725All SZGR genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN_MCV6_LCP_WITH_H3K4ME3 16280All SZGR genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN_MEF_LCP_WITH_H3K4ME3 12868All SZGR genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN_IPS_LCP_WITH_H3K4ME3 174100All SZGR genes in this pathway
MARTENS_BOUND_BY_PML_RARA_FUSION 456287All SZGR genes in this pathway

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