Search results:

The pahtway p3315 has 314 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 189 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
105376839LRRC37A-leucine rich repeat containing 37A-
648BMI1FLVI2/BMI1 | PCGF4 | RNF51 | flvi-2/bmi-1BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger10p11.23
221079ARL5BARL8ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 5B10p12.31
10133OPTNALS12 | FIP2 | GLC1E | HIP7 | HYPL | NRP | TFIIIA-INTPoptineurin10p13
59ACTA2AAT6 | ACTSA | MYMY5actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta10q23.3
3433IFIT2G10P2 | GARG-39 | IFI-54 | IFI-54K | IFI54 | IFIT-2 | ISG-54 K | ISG-54K | ISG54 | P54 | cig42interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 210q23.31
3434IFIT1C56 | G10P1 | IFI-56 | IFI-56K | IFI56 | IFIT-1 | IFNAI1 | ISG56 | P56 | RNM561interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 110q23.31
53354PANK1PANKpantothenate kinase 110q23.31
4791NFKB2CVID10 | H2TF1 | LYT-10 | LYT10 | NF-kB2 | p100 | p49/p100 | p52nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 210q24
1147CHUKIKBKA | IKK-alpha | IKK1 | IKKA | NFKBIKA | TCF16conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase10q24-q25
84986ARHGAP19-Rho GTPase activating protein 1910q24.1
7390UROSUROIIISuroporphyrinogen III synthase10q25.2-q26.3
9409PEX16PBD8A | PBD8Bperoxisomal biogenesis factor 1611p11.2
406ARNTLBMAL1 | BMAL1c | JAP3 | MOP3 | PASD3 | TIC | bHLHe5aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like11p15
1200TPP1CLN2 | GIG1 | LPIC | SCAR7 | TPP-1tripeptidyl peptidase I11p15
117195MRGPRX3GPCR | MRGX3 | SNSR1 | SNSR2MAS related GPR family member X311p15.1
6881TAF10TAF2A | TAF2H | TAFII30TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1011p15.3
55553SOX6HSSOX6 | SOXDSRY-box 611p15.3
7465WEE1WEE1A | WEE1huWEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase11p15.4
50862RNF141ZFP26 | ZNF230ring finger protein 14111p15.4|11p15
116985ARAP1CENTD2ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 111q13.4
283209PGM2L1BM32A | PMMLPphosphoglucomutase 2-like 111q13.4
80227PAAF1PAAF | Rpn14 | WDR71proteasomal ATPase associated factor 111q13.4
9702CEP57MVA2 | PIG8 | TSP57centrosomal protein 57kDa11q21
330BIRC3AIP1 | API2 | CIAP2 | HAIP1 | HIAP1 | MALT2 | MIHC | RNF49 | c-IAP2baculoviral IAP repeat containing 311q22
56912IFT46C11orf2 | C11orf60 | CFAP32intraflagellar transport 4611q23.3
1111CHEK1CHK1checkpoint kinase 111q24.2
55572FOXRED1FP634 | H17FAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 111q24.2
23012STK38LNDR2serine/threonine kinase 38 like12p11.23
51026GOLT1BCGI-141 | GCT2 | GOT1 | GOT1B | YMR292Wgolgi transport 1B12p12.1
1389CREBL2-cAMP responsive element binding protein like 212p13
9052GPRC5AGPCR5A | PEIG-1 | RAI3 | RAIG1 | TIG1G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member A12p13.1
6778STAT6D12S1644 | IL-4-STAT | STAT6B | STAT6Csignal transducer and activator of transcription 612q13
9924PAN2USP52PAN2 poly(A) specific ribonuclease subunit12q13.3
114882OSBPL8MST120 | MSTP120 | ORP8 | OSBP10oxysterol binding protein like 812q14
338811FAM19A2TAFA-2 | TAFA2family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A212q14.1
121227LRIG3LIG3leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin like domains 312q14.1
79611ACSS3-acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 312q21.31
400ARL1ARFL1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 112q23.2
6996TDGhTDGthymine DNA glycosylase12q24.1
4940OAS3p100 | p100OAS2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 312q24.2
2802GOLGA3GCP170 | MEA-2golgin A312q24.33
84056KATNAL1-katanin p60 subunit A like 113q12.3
51028VPS36C13orf9 | CGI-145 | EAP45vacuolar protein sorting 36 homolog (S. cerevisiae)13q14.3
54813KLHL28BTBD5kelch like family member 2814q21.2
51528JKAMPC14orf100 | CDA06 | HSPC213 | HSPC327 | JAMPJNK1/MAPK8-associated membrane protein14q23.1
55218EXD2C14orf114 | EXDL2exonuclease 3'-5' domain containing 214q24.1
53349ZFYVE1DFCP1 | PPP1R172 | SR3 | TAFF1 | ZNFN2A1zinc finger FYVE-type containing 114q24.2
23582CCNDBP1DIP1 | GCIP | HHMcyclin D-type binding-protein 115q14-q15
3712IVDACAD2isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase15q14-q15
161823ADAL-adenosine deaminase-like15q15.3
51762RAB8B-RAB8B, member RAS oncogene family15q22.2
3658IREB2ACO3 | IRP2 | IRP2ADiron responsive element binding protein 215q25.1
6810STX4STX4A | p35-2syntaxin 416p11.2
9961MVPLRP | VAULT1major vault protein16p11.2
1186CLCN7CLC-7 | CLC7 | OPTA2 | OPTB4 | PPP1R63chloride voltage-gated channel 716p13
3163HMOX2HO-2heme oxygenase 216p13.3
64718UNKLC16orf28 | ZC3H5L | ZC3HDC5Lunkempt family like zinc finger16p13.3
5257PHKB-phosphorylase kinase, beta16q12-q13
9114ATP6V0D1ATP6D | ATP6DV | P39 | VATX | VMA6 | VPATPDATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d116q22.1
80169CTC1AAF-132 | AAF132 | C17orf68 | CRMCC | tmp494178CTS telomere maintenance complex component 117p13.1
124936CYB5D2-cytochrome b5 domain containing 217p13.2
94005PIGS-phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class S17p13.2
79915ATAD5C17orf41 | ELG1 | FRAG1ATPase family, AAA domain containing 517q11.2
84081NSRP1CCDC55 | HSPC095 | NSrp70nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 117q11.2
3430IFI35IFP35interferon induced protein 3517q21
1845DUSP3VHRdual specificity phosphatase 317q21
162427FAM134C-family with sequence similarity 134 member C17q21.2
28511NKIRAS2KBRAS2 | kappaB-Ras2NFKB inhibitor interacting Ras-like 217q21.2
79877DCAKD-dephospho-CoA kinase domain containing17q21.31
9884LRRC37ALRRC37leucine rich repeat containing 37A17q21.31
29916SNX11-sorting nexin 1117q21.32
1453CSNK1DASPS | CKIdelta | FASPS2 | HCKIDcasein kinase 1 delta17q25
57409MIF4GDAD023 | MIFD | SLIP1MIF4G domain containing17q25.1
9331B4GALT6B4Gal-T6 | beta4Gal-T6UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 618q11
8715NOL4CT125 | HRIHFB2255 | NOLPnucleolar protein 418q12
1994ELAVL1ELAV1 | HUR | Hua | MelGELAV like RNA binding protein 119p13.2
3383ICAM1BB2 | CD54 | P3.58intercellular adhesion molecule 119p13.2
92799SHKBP1PP203 | Sb1SH3KBP1 binding protein 119q13.2
55277FGGY-FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing1p32.1
64121RRAGCGTR2 | RAGC | TIB929Ras related GTP binding C1p34
79717PPCS-phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase1p34.2
64766S100PBPS100PBPRS100P binding protein1p35.1
23633KPNA6IPOA7 | KPNA7karyopherin subunit alpha 61p35.1
57185NIPAL3DJ462O23.2 | NPAL3NIPA like domain containing 31p36.12-p35.1
10277UBE4BE4 | HDNB1 | UBOX3 | UFD2 | UFD2Aubiquitination factor E4B1p36.3
7170TPM3CAPM1 | CFTD | HEL-189 | HEL-S-82p | NEM1 | OK/SW-cl.5 | TM-5 | TM3 | TM30 | TM30nm | TM5 | TPMsk3 | TRK | hscp30tropomyosin 31q21.2
55204GOLPH3LGPP34Rgolgi phosphoprotein 3 like1q21.3
6646SOAT1ACACT | ACAT | ACAT-1 | ACAT1 | SOAT | STATsterol O-acyltransferase 11q25
59349KLHL12C3IP1 | DKIRkelch like family member 121q32.1
7107GPR137BTM7SF1G protein-coupled receptor 137B1q42-q43
9725TMEM63AKIAA0792transmembrane protein 63A1q42.12
58490RPRD1BC20orf77 | CREPT | NET60 | dJ1057B20.2regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B20q11.23
10955SERINC3AIGP1 | DIFF33 | SBBI99 | TDE | TDE1 | TMS-1serine incorporator 320q13.12
11083DIDO1BYE1 | C20orf158 | DATF-1 | DATF1 | DIDO2 | DIDO3 | DIO-1 | DIO1 | dJ885L7.8death inducer-obliterator 120q13.33
10069RWDD2BC21orf6 | GL011RWD domain containing 2B21q22.11
54069MIS18AB28 | C21orf45 | C21orf46 | FASP1 | MIS18alpha | hMis18alphaMIS18 kinetochore protein A21q22.11
56894AGPAT3LPAAT-GAMMA1 | LPAAT31-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 321q22.3
25966C2CD2C21orf25 | C21orf258 | TMEM24LC2 calcium-dependent domain containing 221q22.3
23786BCL2L13BCL-RAMBO | Bcl2-L-13 | MIL1BCL2 like 1322q11.1
25777SUN2UNC84BSad1 and UNC84 domain containing 222q13.1
23209MLC1LVM | MLC | VLmegalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 122q13.33
22934RPIARPI | RPIADribose 5-phosphate isomerase A2p11.2
55577NAGKGNK | HSA242910N-acetylglucosamine kinase2p13.3
84272YIPF4FinGER4 | Nbla11189Yip1 domain family member 42p22.3
79745CLIP4RSNL2CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein family member 42p23.2
4358MPV17MTDPS6 | SYM1MpV17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein2p23.3
55654TMEM127-transmembrane protein 1272q11.2
64682ANAPC1APC1 | MCPR | TSG24anaphase promoting complex subunit 12q12.1
51141INSIG2-insulin induced gene 22q14.2
53353LRP1BLRP-DIT | LRPDITLDL receptor related protein 1B2q21.2
1281COL3A1EDS4Acollagen type III alpha 12q31
5136PDE1ACAM-PDE-1A | HCAM-1 | HCAM1 | HSPDE1Aphosphodiesterase 1A2q32.1
6772STAT1CANDF7 | IMD31A | IMD31B | IMD31C | ISGF-3 | STAT91signal transducer and activator of transcription 12q32.2
841CASP8ALPS2B | CAP4 | Casp-8 | FLICE | MACH | MCH5caspase 82q33-q34
6988TCTA-T-cell leukemia translocation altered3p21
55768NGLY1CDDG | CDG1V | PNG1 | PNGaseN-glycanase 13p24.2
5915RARBHAP | MCOPS12 | NR1B2 | RRB2retinoic acid receptor beta3p24.2
92106OXNAD1-oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 13p25-p24
64419MTMR14C3orf29myotubularin related protein 143p26
5291PIK3CBP110BETA | PI3K | PI3KBETA | PIK3C1phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta3q22.3
57088PLSCR4TRA1phospholipid scramblase 43q24
3556IL1RAPC3orf13 | IL-1RAcP | IL1R3interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein3q28
4026LPP-LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma3q28
5130PCYT1ACCTA | CT | CTA | CTPCT | PCYT1 | SMDCRDphosphate cytidylyltransferase 1, choline, alpha3q29
165918RNF168hRNF168ring finger protein 168, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase3q29
57205ATP10DATPVDATPase phospholipid transporting 10D (putative)4p12
54502RBM47NET18RNA binding motif protein 474p14
84286TMEM175hTMEM175transmembrane protein 1754p16.3
25849PARM1Cipar1 | DKFZP564O0823 | PARM-1 | WSC4prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 14q13.3-q21.3
55008HERC6-HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 64q22.1
5530PPP3CACALN | CALNA | CALNA1 | CCN1 | CNA1 | PPP2Bprotein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit alpha4q24
64116SLC39A8BIGM103 | CDG2N | LZT-Hs6 | PP3105 | ZIP8solute carrier family 39 member 84q24
1950EGFHOMG4 | URGepidermal growth factor4q25
5308PITX2ARP1 | Brx1 | IDG2 | IGDS | IGDS2 | IHG2 | IRID2 | Otlx2 | PTX2 | RGS | RIEG | RIEG1 | RSpaired like homeodomain 24q25
23657SLC7A11CCBR1 | xCTsolute carrier family 7 member 114q28.3
54726OTUD4DUBA6 | HIN1 | HSHIN1OTU deubiquitinase 44q31.21
84068SLC10A7C4orf13 | P7solute carrier family 10 member 74q31.22
55314TMEM144-transmembrane protein 1444q32.1
9693RAPGEF2CNrasGEF | NRAPGEP | PDZ-GEF1 | PDZGEF1 | RA-GEF | RA-GEF-1 | Rap-GEP | nRap GEPRap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 24q32.1
84869CBR4SDR45C1carbonyl reductase 44q32.3
91351DDX60L-DEAD-box helicase 60-like4q32.3
1182CLCN3CLC3 | ClC-3chloride voltage-gated channel 34q33
2823GPM6AGPM6 | M6Aglycoprotein M6A4q34
6502SKP2FBL1 | FBXL1 | FLB1 | p45S-phase kinase-associated protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase5p13
4338MOCS2MCBPE | MOCO1 | MOCODB | MPTSmolybdenum cofactor synthesis 25q11
79810PTCD2-pentatricopeptide repeat domain 25q13.2
5921RASA1CM-AVM | CMAVM | GAP | PKWS | RASA | RASGAP | p120 | p120GAP | p120RASGAPRAS p21 protein activator 15q13.3
10307APBB3FE65L2 | SRAamyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 35q31
8878SQSTM1A170 | FTDALS3 | OSIL | PDB3 | ZIP3 | p60 | p62 | p62Bsequestosome 15q35
23607CD2APCMSCD2-associated protein6p12
54676GTPBP2-GTP binding protein 26p21
23113CUL9H7AP1 | PARCcullin 96p21.1
5698PSMB9LMP2 | PSMB6i | RING12 | beta1iproteasome subunit beta 96p21.3
4758NEU1NANH | NEU | SIAL1neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase)6p21.3
23294ANKS1AANKS1ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1A6p21.31
11119BTN3A1BT3.1 | BTF5 | BTN3.1 | CD277butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A16p22.1
51256TBC1D7MGCPH | PIG51 | TBC7TBC1 domain family member 76p24.1
11149BVESHBVES | LGMD2X | POP1 | POPDC1blood vessel epicardial substance6q21
2444FRKGTK | PTK5 | RAKfyn related Src family tyrosine kinase6q21-q22.3
5167ENPP1ARHR2 | COLED | M6S1 | NPP1 | NPPS | PC-1 | PCA1 | PDNP1ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 16q22-q23
3841KPNA5IPOA6 | SRP6karyopherin subunit alpha 56q22.1
6446SGK1SGKserum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 16q23
7128TNFAIP3A20 | AISBL | OTUD7C | TNFA1P2TNF alpha induced protein 36q23
6206RPS12S12ribosomal protein S126q23.2
10371SEMA3ACOLL1 | HH16 | Hsema-I | Hsema-III | SEMA1 | SEMAD | SEMAIII | SEMAL | SemD | coll-1semaphorin 3A7p12.1
28988DBNLABP1 | HIP-55 | HIP55 | SH3P7drebrin like7p13
55146ZDHHC4ZNF374zinc finger DHHC-type containing 47p22.1
1278COL1A2OI4collagen type I alpha 27q22.1
55262C7orf43-chromosome 7 open reading frame 437q22.1
23008KLHDC10slimkelch domain containing 107q32.2
3638INSIG1CL-6 | CL6insulin induced gene 17q36
6575SLC20A2GLVR-2 | GLVR2 | IBGC1 | IBGC3 | MLVAR | PIT-2 | PIT2 | RAM1 | Ram-1solute carrier family 20 member 28p11.21
6867TACC1Ga55transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 18p11.22
1191CLUAAG4 | APO-J | APOJ | CLI | CLU1 | CLU2 | KUB1 | NA1/NA2 | SGP-2 | SGP2 | SP-40 | TRPM-2 | TRPM2clusterin8p21-p12
55246CCDC25-coiled-coil domain containing 258p21.1
137868SGCZZSG1sarcoglycan zeta8p22
115294PCMTD1-protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 18q11.23
55824PAG1CBP | PAGphosphoprotein membrane anchor with glycosphingolipid microdomains 18q21.13
51582AZIN1AZI | AZIA1 | OAZI | OAZIN | ODC1Lantizyme inhibitor 18q22.3
8323FZD6FZ-6 | FZ6 | HFZ6 | NDNC10frizzled class receptor 68q22.3-q23.1
157769FAM91A1-family with sequence similarity 91 member A18q24.13
25853DCAF12CT102 | KIAA1892 | TCC52 | WDR40ADDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 129p13.3
84720PIGOHPMRS2phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class O9p13.3
27348TOR1BDQ1torsin family 1 member B9q34
84885ZDHHC12DHHC-12 | ZNF400zinc finger DHHC-type containing 129q34.11
54662TBC1D13-TBC1 domain family member 139q34.11
2182ACSL4ACS4 | FACL4 | LACS4 | MRX63 | MRX68acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 4Xq22.3-q23
1193CLIC2CLIC2b | MRXS32 | XAP121chloride intracellular channel 2Xq28

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