Search results:

The pahtway p1908 has 40 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 26 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
648BMI1FLVI2/BMI1 | PCGF4 | RNF51 | flvi-2/bmi-1BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger10p11.23
2237FEN1FEN-1 | MF1 | RAD2flap structure-specific endonuclease 111q12
466ATF1EWS-ATF1 | FUS/ATF-1 | TREB36activating transcription factor 112q13
23316CUX2CDP2 | CUTL2cut like homeobox 212q24.12
7027TFDP1DILC | DP1 | DRTF1 | Dp-1transcription factor Dp-113q34
4091SMAD6AOVD2 | HsT17432 | MADH6 | MADH7SMAD family member 615q22.31
3394IRF8H-ICSBP | ICSBP | ICSBP1 | IMD32A | IMD32B | IRF-8interferon regulatory factor 816q24.1
9063PIAS2ARIP3 | DIP | MIZ | MIZ1 | PIASX | PIASX-ALPHA | PIASX-BETA | SIZ2 | ZMIZ4protein inhibitor of activated STAT 218q21.1
4784NFIXMRSHSS | NF1A | SOTOS2nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor)19p13.3
7709ZBTB17MIZ-1 | ZNF151 | ZNF60 | pHZ-67zinc finger and BTB domain containing 171p36.13
8863PER3GIG13period circadian clock 31p36.23
10401PIAS3ZMIZ5protein inhibitor of activated STAT 31q21
9156EXO1HEX1 | hExoIexonuclease 11q43
8398PLA2G6CaI-PLA2 | GVI | INAD1 | IPLA2-VIA | NBIA2 | NBIA2A | NBIA2B | PARK14 | PLA2 | PNPLA9 | iPLA2 | iPLA2betaphospholipase A2 group VI22q13.1
1058CENPACENP-A | CenH3centromere protein A2p23.3
2355FOSL2FRA2FOS like antigen 22p23.3
6670SP3SPR2Sp3 transcription factor2q31
8930MBD4MED1methyl-CpG binding domain 4 DNA glycosylase3q21.3
7879RAB7APRO2706 | RAB7RAB7A, member RAS oncogene family3q21.3
1974EIF4A2BM-010 | DDX2B | EIF4A | EIF4F | eIF-4A-II | eIF4A-IIeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A23q28
3148HMGB2HMG2high mobility group box 24q31
5089PBX2G17 | HOX12 | PBX2MHCpre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 26p21.3
5862RAB2ALHX | RAB2RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family8q12.1
8928FOXH1FAST-1 | FAST1forkhead box H18q24.3
6256RXRANR2B1retinoid X receptor alpha9q34.3
4674NAP1L2BPXnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 2Xq13

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