Search results:

The pahtway p2571 has 38 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 22 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2147F2PT | RPRGL2 | THPH1coagulation factor II, thrombin11p11
8495PPFIBP2Cclp1PPFIA binding protein 211p15.4
7704ZBTB16PLZF | ZNF145zinc finger and BTB domain containing 1611q23.1
3709ITPR2ANHD | CFAP48 | INSP3R2 | IP3R2inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 212p11
283375SLC39A5LZT-Hs7 | MYP24 | ZIP5solute carrier family 39 member 512q13.3
6137RPL13BBC1 | D16S444E | D16S44E | L13ribosomal protein L1316q24.3|17p11.2
230ALDOCALDCaldolase, fructose-bisphosphate C17cen-q12
5178PEG3PW1 | ZKSCAN22 | ZNF904 | ZSCAN24paternally expressed 319q13.4
10841FTCDLCHC1formimidoyltransferase cyclodeaminase21q22.3
344558SH3RF3POSH2 | SH3MD4SH3 domain containing ring finger 32q13
8618CADPSCADPS1 | CAPS | CAPS1 | UNC-31Ca2+ dependent secretion activator3p14.2
6657SOX2ANOP3 | MCOPS3SRY-box 23q26.33
174AFPAFPD | FETA | HPAFPalpha fetoprotein4q13.3
130ADH6ADH-5alcohol dehydrogenase 6 (class V)4q23
7941PLA2G7LDL-PLA2 | LP-PLA2 | PAFAD | PAFAHphospholipase A2 group VII6p21.2-p12
3303HSPA1AHEL-S-103 | HSP70-1 | HSP70-1A | HSP70.1 | HSP70I | HSP72 | HSPA1heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A6p21.3
10590SCGNCALBL | DJ501N12.8 | SECRET | SEGN | setaginsecretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein6p22.3-p22.1
1235CCR6BN-1 | C-C CKR-6 | CC-CKR-6 | CCR-6 | CD196 | CKR-L3 | CKRL3 | CMKBR6 | DCR2 | DRY6 | GPR29 | GPRCY4 | STRL22C-C motif chemokine receptor 66q27
23089PEG10EDR | HB-1 | MEF3L | Mar2 | Mart2 | RGAG3paternally expressed 107q21
4885NPTX2NARP | NP-II | NP2neuronal pentraxin 27q21.3-q22.1
80139ZNF703NLZ1 | ZEPPO1 | ZNF503L | ZPO1zinc finger protein 7038p11.23
4325MMP16C8orf57 | MMP-X2 | MT-MMP2 | MT-MMP3 | MT3-MMPmatrix metallopeptidase 168q21.3

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