Search results:

The pahtway p2640 has 24 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 13 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
1910EDNRBABCDS | ET-B | ET-BR | ETB | ETB1 | ETBR | ETRB | HSCR | HSCR2 | WS4Aendothelin receptor type B13q22
3621ING1p24ING1c | p33 | p33ING1 | p33ING1b | p47 | p47ING1ainhibitor of growth family member 113q34
8669EIF3JEIF3S1 | eIF3-alpha | eIF3-p35eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit J15q21.1
6627SNRPA1Lea1small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A'15q26.3
6513SLC2A1CSE | DYT17 | DYT18 | DYT9 | EIG12 | GLUT | GLUT-1 | GLUT1 | GLUT1DS | HTLVR | PED | SDCHCNsolute carrier family 2 member 11p34.2
1462VCANCSPG2 | ERVR | GHAP | PG-M | WGN | WGN1versican5q14.3
7322UBE2D2E2(17)KB2 | PUBC1 | UBC4 | UBC4/5 | UBCH4 | UBCH5Bubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 D25q31.2
4488MSX2CRS2 | FPP | HOX8 | MSH | PFM | PFM1msh homeobox 25q35.2
2697GJA1AVSD3 | CMDR | CX43 | EKVP | GJAL | HLHS1 | HSS | ODDD | PPKCAgap junction protein alpha 16q22.31
8439NSMAFFAN | GRAMD5neutral sphingomyelinase activation associated factor8q12.1
4982TNFRSF11BOCIF | OPG | PDB5 | TR1tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11b8q24
7088TLE1ESG | ESG1 | GRG1transducin like enhancer of split 19q21.32

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