Search results:

The pahtway p2820 has 45 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 20 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
55388MCM10CNA43 | DNA43 | PRO2249minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor10p13
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
29127RACGAP1CYK4 | HsCYK-4 | ID-GAP | MgcRacGAPRac GTPase activating protein 112q13.12
701BUB1BBUB1beta | BUBR1 | Bub1A | MAD3L | MVA1 | SSK1 | hBUBR1BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B15q15
9133CCNB2HsT17299cyclin B215q22.2
9768KIAA0101L5 | NS5ATP9 | OEATC | OEATC-1 | OEATC1 | PAF | PAF15 | p15(PAF) | p15/PAF | p15PAFKIAA010115q22.31
55215FANCIKIAA1794Fanconi anemia complementation group I15q26.1
9055PRC1ASE1protein regulator of cytokinesis 115q26.1
55720TSR1-TSR1, 20S rRNA accumulation, homolog (S. cerevisiae)17p13.3
7153TOP2ATOP2 | TP2Atopoisomerase (DNA) II alpha17q21.2
55771PRR11-proline rich 1117q22
3838KPNA2IPOA1 | QIP2 | RCH1 | SRP1-alpha | SRP1alphakaryopherin subunit alpha 217q24.2
220134SKA1C18orf24spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 118q21.1
259266ASPMASP | Calmbp1 | MCPH5abnormal spindle microtubule assembly1q31
9928KIF14MKS12kinesin family member 141q32.1
11065UBE2CUBCH10 | dJ447F3.2ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C20q13.12
57405SPC25AD024 | SPBC25 | hSpc25SPC25, NDC80 kinetochore complex component2q31.1
55789DEPDC1BBRCC3 | XTP1DEP domain containing 1B5q12.1
7272TTKCT96 | ESK | MPH1 | MPS1 | MPS1L1 | PYTTTK protein kinase6q14.1
2146EZH2ENX-1 | ENX1 | EZH1 | EZH2b | KMT6 | KMT6A | WVS | WVS2enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit7q35-q36

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