Search results:

The pahtway p2849 has 56 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 35 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9221NOLC1NOPP130 | NOPP140 | NS5ATP13 | P130nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 110q24.32
22876INPP5FMSTP007 | MSTPO47 | SAC2 | hSAC2inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F10q26.11
10553HTATIP2CC3 | SDR44U1 | TIP30HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 211p15.1
22800RRAS2TC21related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 211p15.2
8835SOCS2CIS2 | Cish2 | SOCS-2 | SSI-2 | SSI2 | STATI2suppressor of cytokine signaling 212q
84747UNC119BPOC7Bunc-119 lipid binding chaperone B12q24.31
283537SLC46A3FKSG16solute carrier family 46 member 313q12.3
5983RFC3RFC38replication factor C subunit 313q13.2
8881CDC16ANAPC6 | APC6 | CDC16Hs | CUT9cell division cycle 1613q34
65110UPF3AHUPF3A | RENT3A | UPF3UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog A (yeast)13q34
9488PIGBGPI-MT-III | PIG-Bphosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class B15q21.3
55215FANCIKIAA1794Fanconi anemia complementation group I15q26.1
4363ABCC1ABC29 | ABCC | GS-X | MRP | MRP1ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 116p13.1
9894TELO2CLK2 | TEL2telomere maintenance 216p13.3
80205CHD9AD013 | CHD-9 | CReMM | KISH2 | PRIC320chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 916q12.2
50628GEMIN4HC56 | HCAP1 | HHRF-1 | p97gem nuclear organelle associated protein 417p13
79003MIS122510025F08Rik | KNTC2AP | MTW1 | hMis12MIS12 kinetochore complex component17p13.2
3837KPNB1IMB1 | IPO1 | IPOB | Impnb | NTF97karyopherin subunit beta 117q21.32
23526HMHA1ARHGAP45 | HA-1 | HLA-HA1histocompatibility (minor) HA-119p13.3
57711ZNF529-zinc finger protein 52919q13.13
8675STX16SYN16syntaxin 1620q13.32
9582APOBEC3BA3B | APOBEC1L | ARCD3 | ARP4 | DJ742C19.2 | PHRBNL | bK150C2.2apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 3B22q13.1-q13.2
55006TRMT61B-tRNA methyltransferase 61B2p23.2
9781RNF144ARNF144 | UBCE7IP4ring finger protein 144A2p25.2
23395LARS2LEURS | PRLTS4 | mtLeuRSleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial3p21.3
23180RFTN1MIG2 | PIB10 | PIG9 | RAFTLINraftlin, lipid raft linker 13p24.3
545ATRFCTCS | FRP1 | MEC1 | SCKL | SCKL1ATR serine/threonine kinase3q23
1452CSNK1A1CK1 | CK1a | CKIa | HEL-S-77p | HLCDGP1 | PRO2975casein kinase 1 alpha 15q32
3187HNRNPH1HNRPH | HNRPH1 | hnRNPHheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H)5q35.3
81688C6orf62Nbla00237 | XTP12 | dJ30M3.2chromosome 6 open reading frame 626p22.3
7272TTKCT96 | ESK | MPH1 | MPS1 | MPS1L1 | PYTTTK protein kinase6q14.1
54806AHI1AHI-1 | JBTS3 | ORF1 | dJ71N10.1Abelson helper integration site 16q23.3
5325PLAGL1LOT1 | ZAC | ZAC1PLAG1 like zinc finger 16q24-q25
23080AVL9KIAA0241AVL9 cell migration associated7p14.3

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