Search results:

The pahtway p3254 has 17 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 12 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10062NR1H3LXR-a | LXRA | RLD-1nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 311p11.2
5091PCPCBpyruvate carboxylase11q13.4-q13.5
2194FASNFAS | OA-519 | SDR27X1fatty acid synthase17q25
1675CFDADIPSIN | ADN | DF | PFDcomplement factor D (adipsin)19p13.3
1050CEBPAC/EBP-alpha | CEBPCCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha19q13.1
3991LIPEAOMS4 | FPLD6 | HSL | LHSlipase E, hormone sensitive type19q13.2
7376NR1H2LXR-b | LXRB | NER | NER-I | RIP15 | UNRnuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 219q13.3
183AGTANHU | SERPINA8angiotensinogen1q42.2
5468PPARGCIMT1 | GLM1 | NR1C3 | PPARG1 | PPARG2 | PPARgammaperoxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma3p25
9370ADIPOQACDC | ACRP30 | ADIPQTL1 | ADPN | APM-1 | APM1 | GBP28adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing3q27
155ADRB3BETA3ARadrenoceptor beta 38p11.23
2167FABP4A-FABP | AFABP | ALBP | HEL-S-104 | aP2fatty acid binding protein 48q21

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