Search results:

The pahtway p3554 has 58 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 25 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9585KIF20BCT90 | KRMP1 | MPHOSPH1 | MPP-1 | MPP1kinesin family member 20B10q23.31
3832KIF11EG5 | HKSP | KNSL1 | MCLMR | TRIP5kinesin family member 1110q24.1
10714POLD3P66 | P68 | PPP1R128polymerase (DNA) delta 3, accessory subunit11q14
23052ENDOD1-endonuclease domain containing 111q21
144455E2F7-E2F transcription factor 712q21.2
283431GAS2L3G2L3growth arrest specific 2 like 312q23.1
10082GPC6OMIMD1glypican 613q32
51528JKAMPC14orf100 | CDA06 | HSPC213 | HSPC327 | JAMPJNK1/MAPK8-associated membrane protein14q23.1
55329MNS1SPATA40meiosis specific nuclear structural 115q21.3
9768KIAA0101L5 | NS5ATP9 | OEATC | OEATC-1 | OEATC1 | PAF | PAF15 | p15(PAF) | p15/PAF | p15PAFKIAA010115q22.31
29893PSMC3IPGT198 | HOP2 | HUMGT198A | ODG3 | TBPIPPSMC3 interacting protein17q21.2
1994ELAVL1ELAV1 | HUR | Hua | MelGELAV like RNA binding protein 119p13.2
11004KIF2CCT139 | KNSL6 | MCAKkinesin family member 2C1p34.1
64222TOR3AADIR | ADIR2torsin family 3 member A1q25.2
81610FAM83DC20orf129 | CHICA | dJ616B8.3family with sequence similarity 83 member D20q11.23
29980DONSONB17 | C21orf60downstream neighbor of SON21q22.1
8318CDC45CDC45L | CDC45L2 | PORC-PI-1cell division cycle 4522q11.21
23397NCAPHBRRN1 | CAP-Hnon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H2q11.2
83879CDCA7JPO1cell division cycle associated 72q31
57405SPC25AD024 | SPBC25 | hSpc25SPC25, NDC80 kinetochore complex component2q31.1
55536CDCA7LJPO2 | R1 | RAM2cell division cycle associated 7 like7p15.3
4176MCM7CDC47 | MCM2 | P1.1-MCM3 | P1CDC47 | P85MCM | PNAS146 | PPP1R104minichromosome maintenance complex component 77q21.3-q22.1
90459ERI13'HEXO | HEXO | THEX1exoribonuclease 18p23.1
90390MED30MED30S | THRAP6 | TRAP25mediator complex subunit 308q24.11
9833MELKHPK38maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase9p13.2

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