Search results:

The pahtway p3702 has 22 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 14 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8038ADAM12ADAM12-OT1 | CAR10 | MCMP | MCMPMltna | MLTN | MLTNAADAM metallopeptidase domain 1210q26
11211FZD10CD350 | FZ-10 | Fz10 | FzE7 | hFz10frizzled class receptor 1012q24.33
55803ADAP2CENTA2 | HSA272195 | cent-bArfGAP with dual PH domains 217q11.2
5366PMAIP1APR | NOXAphorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 118q21.32
50509COL5A3-collagen type V alpha 319p13.2
6205RPS11S11ribosomal protein S1119q13.3
79084WDR77HKMT1069 | MEP-50 | MEP50 | Nbla10071 | p44 | p44/Mep50WD repeat domain 771p13.2
3310HSPA6HSP70B'heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 61q23
4318MMP9CLG4B | GELB | MANDP2 | MMP-9matrix metallopeptidase 920q13.12
7130TNFAIP6TSG-6 | TSG6TNF alpha induced protein 62q23.3
1462VCANCSPG2 | ERVR | GHAP | PG-M | WGN | WGN1versican5q14.3
27242TNFRSF21BM-018 | CD358 | DR6tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 216p21.1
7291TWIST1ACS3 | BPES2 | BPES3 | CRS | CRS1 | CSO | SCS | TWIST | bHLHa38twist family bHLH transcription factor 17p21.2
25878MXRA5-matrix-remodelling associated 5Xp22.33

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