Search results:

The pahtway p3850 has 14 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 8 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
953ENTPD1ATPDase | CD39 | NTPDase-1 | SPG64ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 110q24
25841ABTB2ABTB2A | BTBD22ankyrin repeat and BTB domain containing 211p13
5101PCDH9-protocadherin 913q21.32
863CBFA2T3ETO2 | MTG16 | MTGR2 | ZMYND4core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 316q24
2280FKBP1AFKBP-12 | FKBP-1A | FKBP1 | FKBP12 | PKC12 | PKCI2 | PPIASEFK506 binding protein 1A20p13
7052TGM2G-ALPHA-h | GNAH | HEL-S-45 | TG2 | TGCtransglutaminase 220q12
3013HIST1H2ADH2A.3 | H2A/g | H2AFGhistone cluster 1, H2ad6p21.3
3084NRG1ARIA | GGF | GGF2 | HGL | HRG | HRG1 | HRGA | MST131 | MSTP131 | NDF | NRG1-IT2 | SMDFneuregulin 18p12

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