Search results:

The pahtway p4209 has 29 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 18 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3433IFIT2G10P2 | GARG-39 | IFI-54 | IFI-54K | IFI54 | IFIT-2 | ISG-54 K | ISG-54K | ISG54 | P54 | cig42interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 210q23.31
3434IFIT1C56 | G10P1 | IFI-56 | IFI-56K | IFI56 | IFIT-1 | IFNAI1 | ISG56 | P56 | RNM561interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 110q23.31
4791NFKB2CVID10 | H2TF1 | LYT-10 | LYT10 | NF-kB2 | p100 | p49/p100 | p52nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 210q24
5138PDE2ACGS-PDE | PDE2A1 | PED2A4 | cGSPDEphosphodiesterase 2A11q13.4
3164NR4A1GFRP1 | HMR | N10 | NAK-1 | NGFIB | NP10 | NUR77 | TR3nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 112q13
6426SRSF1ASF | SF2 | SF2p33 | SFRS1 | SRp30aserine/arginine-rich splicing factor 117q22
9267CYTH1B2-1 | CYTOHESIN-1 | D17S811E | PSCD1 | SEC7cytohesin 117q25
3726JUNBAP-1jun B proto-oncogene19p13.2
8412BCAR3NSP2 | SH2D3Bbreast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 31p22.1
8880FUBP1FBP | FUBP | hDH Vfar upstream element binding protein 11p31.1
1969EPHA2ARCC2 | CTPA | CTPP1 | CTRCT6 | ECKEPH receptor A21p36
4237MFAP2MAGP | MAGP-1 | MAGP1microfibrillar associated protein 21p36.1-p35
468ATF4CREB-2 | CREB2 | TAXREB67 | TXREBactivating transcription factor 422q13.1
10769PLK2SNK | hPlk2 | hSNKpolo like kinase 25q12.1-q13.2
22936ELL2-elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 25q15
85236HIST1H2BKH2B/S | H2BFAiii | H2BFT | H2BKhistone cluster 1, H2bk6p21.33
1960EGR3EGR-3 | PILOTearly growth response 38p23-p21
6591SNAI2SLUG | SLUGH1 | SNAIL2 | WS2Dsnail family zinc finger 28q11

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