Search results:

The pahtway p4397 has 54 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 31 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
340665CYP26C1FFDD4cytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily C member 110q23.33
3983ABLIM1ABLIM | LIMAB1 | LIMATIN | abLIM-1actin binding LIM protein 110q25
3887KRT81HB1 | Hb-1 | KRTHB1 | MLN137 | ghHkb1 | hHAKB2-1keratin 8112q13
7637ZNF84HPF2zinc finger protein 8412q24.33
79758DHRS12SDR40C1dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 1213q14.3
2957GTF2A1TF2A1 | TFIIA | TFIIA-42 | TFIIALgeneral transcription factor IIA 114q31.1
6447SCG57B2 | P7B2 | SGNE1 | SgVsecretogranin V15q13-q14
9912ARHGAP44NPC-A-10 | RICH2Rho GTPase activating protein 4417p12
201176ARHGAP27CAMGAP1 | PP905 | SH3D20 | SH3P20Rho GTPase activating protein 2717q21.31
29115SAP30BPHCNGP | HTRG | HTRPSAP30 binding protein17q25.1
124583CANT1DBQD | DBQD1 | SCAN-1 | SCAN1 | SHAPYcalcium activated nucleotidase 117q25.3
9063PIAS2ARIP3 | DIP | MIZ | MIZ1 | PIASX | PIASX-ALPHA | PIASX-BETA | SIZ2 | ZMIZ4protein inhibitor of activated STAT 218q21.1
5366PMAIP1APR | NOXAphorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 118q21.32
63934ZNF667MIPU1zinc finger protein 66719q13.43
147948ZNF582-zinc finger protein 58219q13.43
85569GALP-galanin like peptide19q13.43
51686OAZ3AZ3 | OAZ-t | TISP15ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 31q21.3
23248RPRD2HSPC099 | KIAA0460regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 21q21.3
26052DNM3Dyna IIIdynamin 31q24.3
8828NRP2NP2 | NPN2 | PRO2714 | VEGF165R2neuropilin 22q33.3
5217PFN2D3S1319E | PFLprofilin 23q25.1
80235PIGZGPI-MT-IV | PIG-Z | SMP3phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class Z3q29
7060THBS4TSP-4 | TSP4thrombospondin 45q13
1393CRHBPCRF-BP | CRFBPcorticotropin releasing hormone binding protein5q13.3
9782MATR3ALS21 | MPD2 | VCPDMmatrin 35q31.2
81578COL21A1COLA1L | FP633collagen type XXI alpha 16p12.3-p11.2|6p12.3-p11.2
285800PRR18-proline rich 186q27
23534TNPO3IPO12 | LGMD1F | MTR10A | TRN-SR | TRN-SR2 | TRNSRtransportin 37q32.1
23516SLC39A14LZT-Hs4 | NET34 | ZIP14 | cig19solute carrier family 39 member 148p21.3
4342MOSMSVv-mos Moloney murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog8q11
51010EXOSC3CGI-102 | PCH1B | RRP40 | Rrp40p | bA3J10.7 | hRrp-40 | p10exosome component 39p11

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