Search results:

The pahtway p6 has 26 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 22 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5214PFKPATP-PFK | PFK-C | PFK-P | PFKFphosphofructokinase, platelet10p15.3-p15.2
3098HK1HK1-ta | HK1-tb | HK1-tc | HKD | HKI | HMSNR | HXK1hexokinase 110q22
2595GANC-glucosidase, alpha; neutral C15q15.2
2585GALK2GK2galactokinase 215q21.1-q21.2
2538G6PCG6PC1 | G6PT | GSD1 | GSD1aglucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit17q21
2584GALK1GALK | GK1 | HEL-S-19galactokinase 117q24
2548GAALYAGglucosidase, alpha; acid17q25.2-q25.3
8704B4GALT2B4Gal-T2 | B4Gal-T3 | beta4Gal-T2UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 21p34-p33
5211PFKLATP-PFK | PFK-B | PFK-Lphosphofructokinase, liver type21q22.3
3099HK2HKII | HXK2hexokinase 22p13
7360UGP2UDPG | UDPGP | UDPGP2 | UGP1 | UGPP1 | UGPP2 | pHC379UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 22p14-p13
3938LCTLAC | LPH | LPH1lactase2q21
57818G6PC2IGRPglucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit 22q24.3
2720GLB1EBP | ELNR1 | MPS4Bgalactosidase beta 13p21.33
55276PGM2MSTP006phosphoglucomutase 24p14
3101HK3HKIII | HXK3hexokinase 35q35.2
2645GCKFGQTL3 | GK | GLK | HHF3 | HK4 | HKIV | HXKP | LGLK | MODY2glucokinase7p15.3-p15.1
8972MGAMMG | MGAmaltase-glucoamylase7q34
231AKR1B1ADR | ALDR1 | ALR2 | ARaldo-keto reductase family 1, member B1 (aldose reductase)7q35
2683B4GALT1B4GAL-T1 | CDG2D | GGTB2 | GT1 | GTB | beta4Gal-T1UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 19p13
2717GLAGALAgalactosidase alphaXq22

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