Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase
General information | Literature | Expression | Regulation | Mutation | Interaction

Basic Information

Gene ID





CP107|PRB1|p107;retinoblastoma-like 1;RBL1;retinoblastoma-like 1


107 kDa retinoblastoma-associated protein|cellular protein 107|retinoblastoma-like 1 (p107)|retinoblastoma-like protein 1



Gene type




Prohibitin, a potential tumor suppressor, interacts with RB and regulates E2F function.

The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein and its family members, p107 and p130, are major regulators of the mammalian cell cycle. They exert their growth suppressive effects at least in part by binding the E2F family of transcription factors and inhibiting their transcriptional activity. Agents that disrupt the interaction between Rb family proteins and E2F promote cell proliferation. Here we describe the characterization of a novel interaction between Rb family proteins and a potential tumor suppressor protein, prohibitin. Prohibitin physically interacts with all three Rb family proteins in vitro and in vivo, and was very effective in repressing E2F-mediated transcription. Prohibitin could inhibit the activity of E2Fs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, but could not affect the activity of promoters lacking an E2F site. Surprisingly, prohibitin-mediated repression of E2F could not be reversed by adenovirus E1A protein. A prohibitin mutant that could not bind to Rb was impaired in its ability to repress E2F activity and inhibit cell proliferation. We believe that prohibitin is a novel regulator of E2F activity that responds to specific signaling cascades.

The p107 tumor suppressor induces stable E2F DNA binding to repress target promoters.

E2F transcription factors are key players in the regulation of proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation in mammalian cells. E2Fs are negatively regulated by members of the retinoblastoma protein family, Rb, p107 and p130. During adenovirus infection, viral proteins are expressed that displace Rb family members from E2Fs and recruit E2F complexes to viral and cellular promoter regions. This recruitment of E2F involves the induction of stable E2F binding to inverted E2F binding sites in the Ad E2a and cellular E2F-1 promoters and induces both viral and cellular gene expression. The cellular p107 tumor suppressor also displays such regulation of E2F DNA binding activity. p107 induces stable E2F-4/DP binding to inverted E2F binding sites in the Ad E2a and cellular E2F-1 promoters. The induction of E2F DNA binding by p107 minimally requires the sequences in p107 that mediate E2F interaction. The related tumor suppressor, p130, also effects this function. p107 levels increase substantially as cells progress through S phase. p107 induction of E2F DNA binding was observed primarily in S phase cells coincident with the increase in p107 protein levels. The results of promoter activity assays directly correlate the induction of E2F DNA binding by p107 with effective transcriptional repression. These results support a model in which p107 and p130 induce the stable binding of E2F complexes to promoters that drive expression of critical regulatory proteins such as E2F-1. Since p107 and p130 bind histone deacetylase complexes (HDACs) which repress promoter activity, p107-E2F and p130-E2F would stably recruit repressor complexes to effect efficient promoter repression.

Skip interacts with the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor and inhibits its transcriptional repression activity.

Ski interacting protein (Skip) plays an important role in the transforming activity of both v-Ski and EBNA2 (Epstein-Barr virus encoded latency protein) and is involved in EBNA2 and NotchIC activation of CBF1-repressed promoters. We have previously shown that Skip acts as a transcriptional co-activator on a number of cellular and viral promoters. Here, we report that Skip also interacts with pRb and, in cooperation with Ski, can overcome pRb-induced transcriptional repression. We show a strong and direct interaction between pRb and Skip, and we map the site of interaction to amino acid residues 171-353 of the evolutionarily conserved SNW domain of Skip. Furthermore, the combination of Skip and Ski can successfully overcome the G1 arrest and flat cell phenotype induced by pRb. Taken together, these studies suggest that one potential function of the Skip-Ski complex is to overcome the growth-suppressive activities of pRb.

Tissue-specific tumor suppressor activity of retinoblastoma gene homologs p107 and p130.

The retinoblastoma gene family consists of three genes: RB, p107, and p130. While loss of pRB causes retinoblastoma in humans and pituitary gland tumors in mice, tumorigenesis in other tissues may be suppressed by p107 and p130. To test this hypothesis, we have generated chimeric mice from embryonic stem cells carrying compound loss-of-function mutations in the Rb gene family. We found that Rb/p107- and Rb/p130-deficient mice were highly cancer prone. We conclude that in a variety of tissues tumor development by loss of pRB is suppressed by its homologs p107 and p130. The redundancy of the retinoblastoma proteins in vivo is reflected by the behavior of Rb-family-defective mouse embryonic fibroblasts in vitro.

Compensation by tumor suppressor genes during retinal development in mice and humans.

BACKGROUND: The RB1 gene was the first tumor suppressor gene cloned from humans by studying genetic lesions in families with retinoblastoma. Children who inherit one defective copy of the RB1 gene have an increased susceptibility to retinoblastoma. Several years after the identification of the human RB1 gene, a targeted deletion of Rb was generated in mice. Mice with one defective copy of the Rb gene do not develop retinoblastoma. In this manuscript, we explore the different roles of the Rb family in human and mouse retinal development in order to better understand the species-specific difference in retinoblastoma susceptibility. RESULTS: We found that the Rb family of proteins (Rb, p107 and p130) are expressed in a dynamic manner during mouse retinal development. The primary Rb family member expressed in proliferating embryonic retinal progenitor cells in mice is p107, which is required for appropriate cell cycle exit during retinogenesis. The primary Rb family member expressed in proliferating postnatal retinal progenitor cells is Rb. p130 protein is expressed redundantly with Rb in postmitotic cells of the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer of the mouse retina. When Rb is inactivated in an acute or chronic manner during mouse retinal development, p107 is upregulated in a compensatory manner. Similarly, when p107 is inactivated in the mouse retina, Rb is upregulated. No changes in p130 expression were seen when p107, Rb or both were inactivated in the developing mouse retina. In the human retina, RB1 was the primary family member expressed throughout development. There was very little if any p107 expressed in the developing human retina. In contrast to the developing mouse retina, when RB1 was acutely inactivated in the developing human fetal retina, p107 was not upregulated in a compensatory manner. CONCLUSION: We propose that intrinsic genetic compensation between Rb and p107 prevents retinoblastoma in Rb- or p107-deficient mice, but this compensation does not occur in humans. Together, these data suggest a model that explains why humans are susceptible to retinoblastoma following RB1 loss, but mice require both Rb and p107 gene inactivation.

p107 acts as a tumor suppressor in pRb-deficient epidermis.

The specific deletion of Rb gene in epidermis leads to altered proliferation and differentiation, but not to the development of spontaneous tumors. Our previous data have demonstrated the existence of a functional compensation of Rb loss by Rbl1 (p107) in as the phenotypic differences with respect to controls are intensified. However, the possible evolution of this aggravated phenotype, in particular in relationship with tumorigenesis, has not been evaluated due to the premature death of the double deficient mice. We have now investigated whether p107 can also act as a tumor suppressor in pRb-deficient epidermis using different experimental approaches. We found spontaneous tumor development in doubly-deficient skin grafts. Moreover, Rb-deficient keratinocytes are susceptible to Ha-ras-induced transformation, and this susceptibility is enhanced by p107 loss. Further functional analyses, including microarray gene expression profiling, indicated that the loss of p107, in the absence of pRb, produces the reduction of p53-dependent pro-apoptotic signals. Overall, our data demonstrate that p107 behaves as a tumor suppressor in epidermis in the absence of pRb and suggest novel tumor-suppressive roles for p107 in the context of functional p53 and activated Ras.

Tumor suppressor gene expression during normal and pathologic myocardial growth.

Previous studies have identified several host proteins (p53, p107, and p193), which form prominent complexes with SV40 T antigen in transformed cardiomyocytes. expression of p53 and p107 was monitored during normal and pathologic growth in nontransformed murine myocardium. Both genes were expressed at relatively high levels in embryonic cardiomyocytes. Transcript levels decreased markedly during the process of cardiomyocyte terminal differentiation and were very low or undetectable in adult animals. In contrast, retinoblastoma transcripts were observed at low levels throughout myocardial development. None of the tumor suppressor genes examined were transcriptionally activated during acute myocardial overload or isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy. The potential role of tumor suppressor gene product expression in myocardial development and pathology is discussed.
