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Gene ID | Symbol | Synonyms | Official Full Name | Location | SZ group ? | Functional group ? |
284217 | LAMA1 | LAMA | PTBHS | S-LAM-alpha | laminin subunit alpha 1 | 18p11.3 | CV:PGCnp DNM:Girard_2011 GO_Annotation | CompositeSet |
3911 | LAMA5 | - | laminin subunit alpha 5 | 20q13.2-q13.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 PMID:cooccur | |
3655 | ITGA6 | CD49f | ITGA6B | VLA-6 | integrin subunit alpha 6 | 2q31.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 DNM:Ambalavanan_2016 DNM:Xu_2012 Expression PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet |
3913 | LAMB2 | LAMS | NPHS5 | laminin subunit beta 2 | 3p21 | CV:PGCnp GO_Annotation | |
3908 | LAMA2 | LAMM | laminin subunit alpha 2 | 6q22-q23 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 DNM:Gulsuner_2013 DNM:Xu_2012 GO_Annotation PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet |