Search results:

The pahtway p1274 has 73 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 57 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9126SMC3BAM | BMH | CDLS3 | CSPG6 | HCAP | SMC3L1structural maintenance of chromosomes 310q25
3014H2AFXH2A.X | H2A/X | H2AXH2A histone family member X11q23.3
121504HIST4H4H4/phistone cluster 4, H412p12.3
50511SYCP3COR1 | RPRGL4 | SCP3 | SPGF4synaptonemal complex protein 312q
26277TINF2DKCA3 | TIN2TERF1 (TRF1)-interacting nuclear factor 214q12
9985REC8HR21spB | REC8L1 | Rec8pREC8 meiotic recombination protein14q12
3306HSPA2HSP70-2 | HSP70-3heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 214q24.1
7329UBE2IC358B7.1 | P18 | UBC9ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 I16p13.3
7014TERF2TRBF2 | TRF2telomeric repeat binding factor 216q22.1
65057ACDPIP1 | PTOP | TINT1 | TPP1adrenocortical dysplasia homolog (mouse)16q22.1
672BRCA1BRCAI | BRCC1 | BROVCA1 | FANCS | IRIS | PNCA4 | PPP1R53 | PSCP | RNF53breast cancer 117q21
6847SYCP1CT8 | HOM-TES-14 | SCP-1 | SCP1synaptonemal complex protein 11p13-p12
8337HIST2H2AA3H2A | H2A.2 | H2A/O | H2A/q | H2AFO | H2a-615 | HIST2H2AAhistone cluster 2, H2aa31q21.2
8349HIST2H2BEGL105 | H2B | H2B.1 | H2BFQ | H2BGL105 | H2BQhistone cluster 2, H2be1q21.2
4000LMNACDCD1 | CDDC | CMD1A | CMT2B1 | EMD2 | FPL | FPLD | FPLD2 | HGPS | IDC | LDP1 | LFP | LGMD1B | LMN1 | LMNC | LMNL1 | PRO1lamin A/C1q22
8290HIST3H3H3.4 | H3/g | H3FT | H3thistone cluster 3, H31q42
11083DIDO1BYE1 | C20orf158 | DATF-1 | DATF1 | DIDO2 | DIDO3 | DIO-1 | DIO1 | dJ885L7.8death inducer-obliterator 120q13.33
25777SUN2UNC84BSad1 and UNC84 domain containing 222q13.1
10274STAG1SA1 | SCC3Astromal antigen 13q22.3
545ATRFCTCS | FRP1 | MEC1 | SCKL | SCKL1ATR serine/threonine kinase3q23
3015H2AFZH2A.Z-1 | H2A.z | H2A/z | H2AZH2A histone family member Z4q24
4001LMNB1ADLD | LMN | LMN2 | LMNBlamin B15q23.2
3013HIST1H2ADH2A.3 | H2A/g | H2AFGhistone cluster 1, H2ad6p21.3
3017HIST1H2BDH2B.1B | H2B/b | H2BFB | HIRIP2 | dJ221C16.6histone cluster 1, H2bd6p21.3
3018HIST1H2BBH2B.1 | H2B/f | H2BFFhistone cluster 1, H2bb6p21.3
85236HIST1H2BKH2B/S | H2BFAiii | H2BFT | H2BKhistone cluster 1, H2bk6p21.33
8294HIST1H4IH4/m | H4FM | H4Mhistone cluster 1, H4i6p21.33
8331HIST1H2AJH2A/E | H2AFE | dJ160A22.4histone cluster 1, H2aj6p22.1
8970HIST1H2BJH2B/r | H2BFR | H2BJhistone cluster 1, H2bj6p22.1
8334HIST1H2ACH2A/l | H2AFL | dJ221C16.4histone cluster 1, H2ac6p22.1
8340HIST1H2BLH2B/c | H2BFC | dJ97D16.4histone cluster 1, H2bl6p22.1
8341HIST1H2BNH2B/d | H2BFDhistone cluster 1, H2bn6p22.1
8342HIST1H2BMH2B/e | H2BFE | dJ160A22.3histone cluster 1, H2bm6p22.1
8347HIST1H2BCH2B.1 | H2B/l | H2BFL | dJ221C16.3histone cluster 1, H2bc6p22.1
8348HIST1H2BOH2B.2 | H2B/n | H2BFN | dJ193B12.2histone cluster 1, H2bo6p22.1
8362HIST1H4KH4/d | H4F2iii | H4FD | dJ160A22.1histone cluster 1, H4k6p22.1
8363HIST1H4JH4/e | H4F2iv | H4FE | dJ160A22.2histone cluster 1, H4j6p22.1
8364HIST1H4CH4/g | H4FG | dJ221C16.1histone cluster 1, H4c6p22.1
8365HIST1H4HH4/h | H4FHhistone cluster 1, H4h6p22.1
8368HIST1H4LH4.k | H4/k | H4FKhistone cluster 1, H4l6p22.1
255626HIST1H2BAH2BFU | STBP | TH2B | TSH2B | TSH2B.1 | bA317E16.3histone cluster 1, H2ba6p22.2
3012HIST1H2AEH2A.1 | H2A.2 | H2A/a | H2AFAhistone cluster 1, H2ae6p22.2
8335HIST1H2ABH2A/m | H2AFMhistone cluster 1, H2ab6p22.2
8339HIST1H2BGH2B.1A | H2B/a | H2BFA | dJ221C16.8histone cluster 1, H2bg6p22.2
8343HIST1H2BFH2B/g | H2BFGhistone cluster 1, H2bf6p22.2
8344HIST1H2BEH2B.h | H2B/h | H2BFH | dJ221C16.8histone cluster 1, H2be6p22.2
8345HIST1H2BHH2B/j | H2BFJhistone cluster 1, H2bh6p22.2
8346HIST1H2BIH2B/k | H2BFKhistone cluster 1, H2bi6p22.2
8359HIST1H4AH4FAhistone cluster 1, H4a6p22.2
8360HIST1H4DH4/b | H4FB | dJ221C16.9histone cluster 1, H4d6p22.2
8361HIST1H4FH4 | H4/c | H4FChistone cluster 1, H4f6p22.2
8366HIST1H4BH4/I | H4FIhistone cluster 1, H4b6p22.2
8367HIST1H4EH4/j | H4FJhistone cluster 1, H4e6p22.2
23345SYNE18B | ARCA1 | C6orf98 | CPG2 | EDMD4 | MYNE1 | Nesp1 | SCAR8 | dJ45H2.2spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 16q25
8468FKBP6FKBP36FK506 binding protein 67q11.23
5885RAD21CDLS4 | HR21 | HRAD21 | MCD1 | NXP1 | SCC1 | hHR21RAD21 cohesin complex component8q24
8243SMC1ACDLS2 | DXS423E | SB1.8 | SMC1 | SMC1L1 | SMC1alpha | SMCBstructural maintenance of chromosomes 1AXp11.22-p11.21

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