Search results:

The pahtway p2172 has 24 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 16 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
4312MMP1CLG | CLGNmatrix metallopeptidase 111q22.3
4322MMP13CLG3 | MANDP1 | MMP-13matrix metallopeptidase 1311q22.3
56649TMPRSS4CAPH2 | MT-SP2 | TMPRSS3transmembrane protease, serine 411q23.3
894CCND2KIAK0002 | MPPH3cyclin D212p13
9961MVPLRP | VAULT1major vault protein16p11.2
6662SOX9CMD1 | CMPD1 | SRA1 | SRXX2 | SRXY10SRY-box 917q24.3
2528FUT6FCT3A | FT1A | Fuc-TVI | FucT-VIfucosyltransferase 619p13.3
4680CEACAM6CD66c | CEAL | NCAcarcinoembryonic antigen related cell adhesion molecule 619q13.2
6280S100A960B8AG | CAGB | CFAG | CGLB | L1AG | LIAG | MAC387 | MIF | MRP14 | NIF | P14S100 calcium binding protein A91q21
1292COL6A2BTHLM1 | PP3610 | UCMD1collagen type VI alpha 221q22.3
1803DPP4ADABP | ADCP2 | CD26 | DPPIV | TP103dipeptidyl peptidase 42q24.3
604BCL6BCL5 | BCL6A | LAZ3 | ZBTB27 | ZNF51B-cell CLL/lymphoma 63q27
1026CDKN1ACAP20 | CDKN1 | CIP1 | MDA-6 | P21 | SDI1 | WAF1 | p21CIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A6p21.2
6648SOD2IPOB | MNSOD | MVCD6superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial6q25.3
3897L1CAMCAML1 | CD171 | HSAS | HSAS1 | MASA | MIC5 | N-CAM-L1 | N-CAML1 | NCAM-L1 | S10 | SPG1L1 cell adhesion moleculeXq28

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