Search results:

The pahtway p2491 has 80 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 54 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
1791DNTTTDTDNA nucleotidylexotransferase10q23-q24
3416IDEINSULYSINinsulin degrading enzyme10q23-q25
4288MKI67KIA | MIB- | MIB-1 | PPP1R105marker of proliferation Ki-6710q26.2
6240RRM1R1 | RIR1 | RR1ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M111p15.5
3014H2AFXH2A.X | H2A/X | H2AXH2A histone family member X11q23.3
2012EMP1CL-20 | EMP-1 | TMPepithelial membrane protein 112p12.3
2597GAPDHG3PD | GAPD | HEL-S-162ePglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase12p13
8835SOCS2CIS2 | Cish2 | SOCS-2 | SSI-2 | SSI2 | STATI2suppressor of cytokine signaling 212q
29127RACGAP1CYK4 | HsCYK-4 | ID-GAP | MgcRacGAPRac GTPase activating protein 112q13.12
5901RANARA24 | Gsp1 | TC4RAN, member RAS oncogene family12q24.3
1396CRIP1CRHP | CRIP | CRP-1 | CRP1cysteine rich protein 114q32.33
9133CCNB2HsT17299cyclin B215q22.2
9055PRC1ASE1protein regulator of cytokinesis 115q26.1
6352CCL5D17S136E | RANTES | SCYA5 | SIS-delta | SISd | TCP228 | eoCPC-C motif chemokine ligand 517q12
2886GRB7-growth factor receptor bound protein 717q12
7153TOP2ATOP2 | TP2Atopoisomerase (DNA) II alpha17q21.2
3838KPNA2IPOA1 | QIP2 | RCH1 | SRP1-alpha | SRP1alphakaryopherin subunit alpha 217q24.2
170463SSBP4-single stranded DNA binding protein 419p13.1
81ACTN4ACTININ-4 | FSGS | FSGS1actinin alpha 419q13
23640HSPBP1FES1HSPA (heat shock 70kDa) binding protein, cytoplasmic cochaperone 119q13.42
26227PHGDH3-PGDH | 3PGDH | HEL-S-113 | NLS | NLS1 | PDG | PGAD | PGD | PGDH | PHGDHD | SERAphosphoglycerate dehydrogenase1p12
991CDC20CDC20A | bA276H19.3 | p55CDCcell division cycle 201p34.1
3925STMN1C1orf215 | LAP18 | Lag | OP18 | PP17 | PP19 | PR22 | SMNstathmin 11p36.11
1163CKS1BCKS1 | PNAS-16 | PNAS-18 | ckshs1CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B1q21.2
11065UBE2CUBCH10 | dJ447F3.2ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C20q13.12
3543IGLL114.1 | AGM2 | CD179b | IGL1 | IGL5 | IGLJ14.1 | IGLL | IGO | IGVPB | VPREB2immunoglobulin lambda like polypeptide 122q11.23
2953GSTT2-glutathione S-transferase theta 2 (gene/pseudogene)22q11.23
4282MIFGIF | GLIF | MMIFmacrophage migration inhibitory factor (glycosylation-inhibiting factor)22q11.23
10797MTHFD2NMDMCmethylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase2p13.1
23397NCAPHBRRN1 | CAP-Hnon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H2q11.2
1622DBIACBD1 | ACBP | CCK-RP | EPdiazepam binding inhibitor (GABA receptor modulator, acyl-CoA binding protein)2q12-q21
4175MCM6MCG40308 | Mis5 | P105MCMminichromosome maintenance complex component 62q21
83879CDCA7JPO1cell division cycle associated 72q31
10267RAMP1-receptor (G protein-coupled) activity modifying protein 12q36-q37.1
51176LEF1LEF-1 | TCF10 | TCF1ALPHA | TCF7L3lymphoid enhancer binding factor 14q25
4258MGST2GST2 | MGST-IImicrosomal glutathione S-transferase 24q28.3
651746ANKRD33B-ankyrin repeat domain 33B5p15.2
4001LMNB1ADLD | LMN | LMN2 | LMNBlamin B15q23.2
3161HMMRCD168 | IHABP | RHAMMhyaluronan mediated motility receptor5q34
3182HNRNPABABBP1 | HNRPABheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B5q35.3
2030SLC29A1ENT1solute carrier family 29 member 16p21.1
1026CDKN1ACAP20 | CDKN1 | CIP1 | MDA-6 | P21 | SDI1 | WAF1 | p21CIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A6p21.2
203068TUBBCDCBM6 | CSCSC1 | M40 | OK/SW-cl.56 | TUBB1 | TUBB5tubulin beta class I6p21.33
7272TTKCT96 | ESK | MPH1 | MPS1 | MPS1L1 | PYTTTK protein kinase6q14.1
94239H2AFVH2A.Z-2 | H2AVH2A histone family member V7p13
4176MCM7CDC47 | MCM2 | P1.1-MCM3 | P1CDC47 | P85MCM | PNAS146 | PPP1R104minichromosome maintenance complex component 77q21.3-q22.1
10156RASA4CAPRI | GAPLRAS p21 protein activator 47q22
6713SQLE-squalene epoxidase8q24.1
9833MELKHPK38maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase9p13.2
29968PSAT1EPIP | NLS2 | PSA | PSAT | PSATDphosphoserine aminotransferase 19q21.2
10383TUBB4BBeta2 | TUBB2 | TUBB2Ctubulin beta 4B class IVb9q34
2022ENGEND | HHT1 | ORW1endoglin9q34.11

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