Search results:

The pahtway p253 has 15 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 11 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3479IGF1IGF-I | IGFI | MGFinsulin like growth factor 112q23.2
7043TGFB3ARVD | ARVD1 | LDS5 | RNHF | TGF-beta3transforming growth factor beta 314q24
1440CSF3C17orf33 | CSF3OS | GCSFcolony stimulating factor 317q11.2-q12
6348CCL3G0S19-1 | LD78ALPHA | MIP-1-alpha | MIP1A | SCYA3C-C motif chemokine ligand 317q12
7040TGFB1CED | DPD1 | LAP | TGFB | TGFbetatransforming growth factor beta 119q13.1
3552IL1AIL-1A | IL1 | IL1-ALPHA | IL1F1interleukin 1 alpha2q14
3562IL3IL-3 | MCGF | MULTI-CSFinterleukin 35q31.1
3578IL9HP40 | IL-9 | P40interleukin 95q31.1
1437CSF2GMCSFcolony stimulating factor 25q31.1
3569IL6BSF-2 | BSF2 | CDF | HGF | HSF | IFN-beta-2 | IFNB2 | IL-6interleukin 67p21
2056EPOEP | MVCD2erythropoietin7q22

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