Search results:

The pahtway p2879 has 49 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 26 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5936RBM4LARK | RBM4A | ZCCHC21 | ZCRB3ARNA binding motif protein 411q13
5058PAK1PAKalphap21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 111q13.5-q14.1
53942CNTN5HNB-2s | NB-2contactin 511q22.1
10632ATP5LATP5JGATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex subunit G11q23.3
3902LAG3CD223lymphocyte activating 312p13.32
4939OAS2-2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 212q24.2
51082POLR1DAC19 | POLR1C | RPA16 | RPA9 | RPAC2 | RPC16 | RPO1-3 | TCS2polymerase (RNA) I subunit D13q12.2
6218RPS17DBA4 | RPS17L | RPS17L1 | RPS17L2 | S17ribosomal protein S1715q
64843ISL2-ISL LIM homeobox 215q23
49855SCAPERMSTP063 | ZNF291 | Zfp291S-phase cyclin A-associated protein in the ER15q24
23521RPL13AL13A | TSTA1ribosomal protein L13a19q13.3
114800CCDC85A-coiled-coil domain containing 85A2p16.1
91543RSAD22510004L01Rik | cig33 | cig5 | vig1radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 22p25.2
2487FRZBFRE | FRITZ | FRP-3 | FRZB-1 | FRZB-PEN | FRZB1 | FZRB | OS1 | SFRP3 | SRFP3 | hFIZfrizzled-related protein2q32.1
9034CCRL2ACKR5 | CKRX | CRAM | CRAM-A | CRAM-B | HCRC-C motif chemokine receptor like 23p21
1234CCR5CC-CKR-5 | CCCKR5 | CCR-5 | CD195 | CKR-5 | CKR5 | CMKBR5 | IDDM22C-C motif chemokine receptor 5 (gene/pseudogene)3p21.31
2047EPHB1ELK | EPHT2 | Hek6 | NETEPH receptor B13q22.2
8743TNFSF10APO2L | Apo-2L | CD253 | TL2 | TNLG6A | TRAILtumor necrosis factor superfamily member 103q26
27074LAMP3CD208 | DC LAMP | DC-LAMP | DCLAMP | LAMP | LAMP-3 | TSC403lysosomal associated membrane protein 33q26.3-q27
6167RPL37L37ribosomal protein L375p13
79993ELOVL7-ELOVL fatty acid elongase 75q12.1
7518XRCC4SSMEDX-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 45q14.2
1456CSNK1G3CKI-gamma 3 | CSNK1G3Lcasein kinase 1 gamma 35q23
8395PIP5K1BMSS4 | STM7phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, beta9q13
10507SEMA4DC9orf164 | CD100 | M-sema-G | SEMAJ | coll-4semaphorin 4D9q22.2

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