Search results:

The pahtway p3909 has 27 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 17 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1948EFNB2EPLG5 | HTKL | Htk-L | LERK5ephrin-B213q33
51655RASD1AGS1 | DEXRAS1 | MGC:26290RAS, dexamethasone-induced 117p11.2
6504SLAMF1CD150 | CDw150 | SLAMsignaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 11q23.3
1130LYSTCHS | CHS1lysosomal trafficking regulator1q42.1-q42.2
54101RIPK4ANKK2 | ANKRD3 | DIK | NKRD3 | PKK | PPS2 | RIP4receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 421q22.3
64795RMND5ACTLH | GID2 | GID2A | RMD5 | p44CTLHrequired for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A2p11.2
925CD8ACD8 | Leu2 | MAL | p32CD8a molecule2p12
926CD8BCD8B1 | LEU2 | LY3 | LYT3 | P37CD8b molecule2p12
79669C3orf52TTMPchromosome 3 open reading frame 523q13.2
604BCL6BCL5 | BCL6A | LAZ3 | ZBTB27 | ZNF51B-cell CLL/lymphoma 63q27
55296TBC1D19-TBC1 domain family member 194p15.2
10815CPLX1CPX-I | CPX1complexin 14p16.3
113612CYP2U1P450TEC | SPG49 | SPG56cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily U member 14q25
10184LHFPL2-lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 25q14.1
79772MCTP1-multiple C2 and transmembrane domain containing 15q15
6785ELOVL4ADMD | CT118 | ISQMR | SCA34 | STGD2 | STGD3ELOVL fatty acid elongase 46q14
83698CALN1CABP8calneuron 17q11

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