Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase
General information | Literature | Expression | Regulation | Mutation | Interaction

Basic Information

Gene ID





CDS1|CHK2|HuCds1|LFS2|PP1425|RAD53|hCds1;checkpoint kinase 2;CHEK2;checkpoint kinase 2


CHK2 checkpoint homolog|cds1 homolog|checkpoint-like protein CHK2|serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk2



Gene type




Structural and functional versatility of the FHA domain in DNA-damage signaling by the tumor suppressor kinase Chk2.

The Chk2 Ser/Thr kinase plays crucial, evolutionarily conserved roles in cellular responses to DNA damage. Identification of two pro-oncogenic mutations within the Chk2 FHA domain has highlighted its importance for Chk2 function in checkpoint activation. The X-ray structure of the Chk2 FHA domain in complex with an in vitro selected phosphopeptide motif reveals the determinants of binding specificity and shows that both mutations are remote from the peptide binding site. We show that the Chk2 FHA domain mediates ATM-dependent Chk2 phosphorylation and targeting of Chk2 to in vivo binding partners such as BRCA1 through either or both of two structurally distinct mechanisms. Although phospho-dependent binding is important for Chk2 activity, previously uncharacterized phospho-independent FHA domain interactions appear to be the primary target of oncogenic lesions.

Checking in on Cds1 (Chk2): A checkpoint kinase and tumor suppressor.

Together, DNA repair and checkpoint responses ensure the integrity of the genome. Coordination of cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair are especially important following genotoxic radiation or chemotherapy, during which unusually high loads of DNA damage are sustained. In mammalian cells, the checkpoint kinase, Cds1 (also known as Chk2) is activated by ATM in response to DNA damage. The role of Cds1 as a checkpoint kinase depends on its ability to phosphorylate cell cycle regulators such p53, Cdc25 and Brca1. A role for Cds1 in repair is suggested by the finding that it interacts with the Holliday junction resolving activity Mus81. This review focuses on the many questions generated by recent progress in understanding the function and regulation of human Cds1.

Chk2 is a tumor suppressor that regulates apoptosis in both an ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent and an ATM-independent manner.

In response to ionizing radiation (IR), the tumor suppressor p53 is stabilized and promotes either cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. Chk2 activated by IR contributes to this stabilization, possibly by direct phosphorylation. Like p53, Chk2 is mutated in patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Since the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene is required for IR-induced activation of Chk2, it has been assumed that ATM and Chk2 act in a linear pathway leading to p53 activation. To clarify the role of Chk2 in tumorigenesis, we generated gene-targeted Chk2-deficient mice. Unlike ATM(-/-) and p53(-/-) mice, Chk2(-/-) mice do not spontaneously develop tumors, although Chk2 does suppress 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene-induced skin tumors. Tissues from Chk2(-/-) mice, including those from the thymus, central nervous system, fibroblasts, epidermis, and hair follicles, show significant defects in IR-induced apoptosis or impaired G(1)/S arrest. Quantitative comparison of the G(1)/S checkpoint, apoptosis, and expression of p53 proteins in Chk2(-/-) versus ATM(-/-) thymocytes suggested that Chk2 can regulate p53-dependent apoptosis in an ATM-independent manner. IR-induced apoptosis was restored in Chk2(-/-) thymocytes by reintroduction of the wild-type Chk2 gene but not by a Chk2 gene in which the sites phosphorylated by ATM and ataxia telangiectasia and rad3(+) related (ATR) were mutated to alanine. ATR may thus selectively contribute to p53-mediated apoptosis. These data indicate that distinct pathways regulate the activation of p53 leading to cell cycle arrest or apoptosis.

DNA damage tumor suppressor genes and genomic instability.

Disruption of the mechanisms that regulate cell-cycle checkpoints, DNA repair, and apoptosis results in genomic instability and the development of cancer in multicellular organisms. The protein kinases ATM and ATR, as well as their downstream substrates Chk1 and Chk2, are central players in checkpoint activation in response to DNA damage. Histone H2AX, ATRIP, as well as the BRCT-motif-containing molecules 53BP1, MDC1, and BRCA1 function as molecular adapters or mediators in the recruitment of ATM or ATR and their targets to sites of DNA damage. The increased chromosomal instability and tumor susceptibility apparent in mutant mice deficient in both p53 and either histone H2AX or proteins that contribute to the nonhomologous end-joining mechanism of DNA repair indicate that DNA damage checkpoints play a pivotal role in tumor suppression.

DNA damage during reoxygenation elicits a Chk2-dependent checkpoint response.

Due to the abnormal vasculature of solid tumors, tumor cell oxygenation can change rapidly with the opening and closing of blood vessels, leading to the activation of both hypoxic response pathways and oxidative stress pathways upon reoxygenation. Here, we report that ataxia telangiectasia mutated-dependent phosphorylation and activation of Chk2 occur in the absence of DNA damage during hypoxia and are maintained during reoxygenation in response to DNA damage. Our studies involving oxidative damage show that Chk2 is required for G2 arrest. Following exposure to both hypoxia and reoxygenation, Chk2-/- cells exhibit an attenuated G2 arrest, increased apoptosis, reduced clonogenic survival, and deficient phosphorylation of downstream targets. These studies indicate that the combination of hypoxia and reoxygenation results in a G2 checkpoint response that is dependent on the tumor suppressor Chk2 and that this checkpoint response is essential for tumor cell adaptation to changes that result from the cycling nature of hypoxia and reoxygenation found in solid tumors.

Fusion of the tumor-suppressor gene CHEK2 and the gene for the regulatory subunit B of protein phosphatase 2 PPP2R2A in childhood teratoma.

We characterized the molecular genetic consequences of a balanced chromosome translocation t(8;22)(p21;q12), which occurred as the sole cytogenetic aberration in short-term cultured cells from an intrathoracic mature teratoma in a 15-year-old girl. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction disclosed that t(8;22) resulted in the fusion of the genes PPP2R2A and CHEK2, with an inserted fragment belonging to class I endogenous retrovirus-related sequences at the junction. Sequencing of the two genes did not reveal any additional mutation. None of the three detected PPP2R2A/CHEK2 fusion transcripts resulted in an in-frame PPP2R2A/CHEK2 chimerical open reading frame; however, in all of them, the known open reading frame of CHEK2 was preserved. Thus, promoter swapping leading to deregulated CHEK2 expression would be the most likely oncogenic mechanism. Whereas inactivating mutations of CHEK2 previously have been described in a variety of sporadic tumors and in inherited cancer-predisposing syndromes, PPP2R2A, encoding a regulatory subunit of the multimeric enzyme phosphatase 2, has not been directly implicated in tumorigenesis. Our findings suggest that deregulation of CHEK2 and/or PPP2R2A is of pathogenetic importance in at least a subset of germ cell tumors.

Deleterious CHEK2 1100delC and L303X mutants identified among 38 human breast cancer cell lines.

The CHEK2 protein plays a major role in the regulation of DNA damage response pathways. mutations in the CHEK2 gene, in particular 1100delC, have been associated with increased cancer risks, but the precise function of CHEK2 mutations in carcinogenesis is not known. Human cancer cell lines with CHEK2 mutations are therefore of main interest. Here, we have sequenced 38 breast cancer cell lines for mutations in the CHEK2 gene and identified two cell lines with deleterious CHEK2 mutations. Cell line UACC812 has a nonsense truncating mutation in the CHEK2 kinase domain (L303X) and cell line SUM102PT has the well-known oncogenic CHEK2 1100delC founder mutation. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the two CHEK2 mutant cell lines expressed neither CHEK2 nor P-Thr(68) CHEK2 proteins, implying abrogation of normal CHEK2 DNA repair functions. Cell lines UACC812 and SUM102PT thus are the first human CHEK2 null cell lines reported and should therefore be a major help in further unraveling the function of CHEK2 mutations in carcinogenesis.

Novel evidences for a tumor suppressor role of Rev3, the catalytic subunit of Pol zeta.

Cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair act in concert to ensure DNA integrity during perturbation of normal replication or in response to genotoxic agents. Deficiencies in these protective mechanisms can lead to cellular transformation and ultimately tumorigenesis. Here we focused on Rev3, the catalytic subunit of the low-fidelity DNA repair polymerase zeta. Rev3 is believed to play a role in double-strand break (DSB)-induced DNA repair by homologous recombination. In line with this hypothesis, we show the accumulation of chromatin-bound Rev3 protein in late S-G2 of untreated cells and in response to clastogenic DNA damage as well as an gamma-H2AX accumulation in Rev3-depleted cells. Moreover, serine 995 of Rev3 is in vitro phosphorylated by the DSB-inducible checkpoint kinase, Chk2. Our data also disclose a significant reduction of rev3 gene expression in 74 colon carcinomas when compared to the normal adjacent tissues. This reduced expression is independent of the carcinoma stages, suggesting that the downregulation of rev3 might have occurred early during tumorigenesis.

Recurrent loss, but lack of mutations, of the SMARCB1 tumor suppressor gene in T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia with TCL1A-TCRAD juxtaposition.

In T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL), chromosomal imbalances affecting the long arm of chromosome 22 are regarded as typical chromosomal aberrations secondary to a TCRAD-TCL1A fusion due to inv(14) or t(14;14). We analyzed recently obtained data from conventional karyotyping, SNP-chip array copy number mapping, genome-wide expression profiling, and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of inv(14)-positive T-PLL with respect to structural aberrations on chromosome 22. Combined gene chip and interphase FISH analyses revealed interstitial deletions on 22q in 4 of 12 cases, with one case additionally showing a terminal copy number gain. A minimally deleted region of approximately 9.1 Mb was delineated, from 16.2 Mb (22cen) to 25.3 Mb (22q12.1). The distal borders of copy number alterations spread over a region of approximately 8.8 Mb, from 25.2 Mb (22q12.1) to 34 Mb (22q12.3). mutation screening of candidate tumor suppressor genes SMARCB1 and CHEK2 mapping to the minimally deleted and the breakpoint regions, respectively, in cases with hemizygous deletion, revealed no inactivating mutations. With gene expression profiling, no significantly downregulated genes were identified in the minimally deleted region. We therefore assume that haploinsufficiency or alternative pathomechanisms underlie chromosome 22 aberrations in T-PLL.
