Search results:

The pahtway p1621 has 81 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 55 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
9184BUB3BUB3L | hBUB3BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein10q26
5140PDE3BHcGIP1 | cGIPDE1phosphodiesterase 3B11p15.1
51083GALETL8 | GAL-GMAP | GALN | GLNN | GMAPgalanin/GMAP prepropeptide11q13.3
4162MCAMCD146 | MUC18melanoma cell adhesion molecule11q23.3
5965RECQLRECQL1 | RecQ1RecQ like helicase12p12
11154AP4S1AP47B | CLA20 | CLAPS4 | CPSQ6 | SPG52adaptor related protein complex 4 sigma 1 subunit14q12
171546SPTSSAC14orf147 | SSSPTAserine palmitoyltransferase small subunit A14q13.1
55148UBR7C14orf130ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 7 (putative)14q32.12
701BUB1BBUB1beta | BUBR1 | Bub1A | MAD3L | MVA1 | SSK1 | hBUBR1BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B15q15
11339OIP55730547N13Rik | CT86 | LINT-25 | MIS18B | MIS18beta | hMIS18betaOpa interacting protein 515q15.1
4828NMB-neuromedin B15q22-qter
4493MT1EMT-1E | MT-IE | MT1 | MTDmetallothionein 1E16q13
4494MT1FMT1metallothionein 1F16q13
4496MT1HMT-0 | MT-1H | MT-IH | MT1metallothionein 1H16q13
4501MT1XMT-1l | MT1metallothionein 1X16q13
672BRCA1BRCAI | BRCC1 | BROVCA1 | FANCS | IRIS | PNCA4 | PPP1R53 | PSCP | RNF53breast cancer 117q21
10197PSME3HEL-S-283 | Ki | PA28-gamma | PA28G | PA28gamma | REG-GAMMAproteasome activator subunit 317q21
7153TOP2ATOP2 | TP2Atopoisomerase (DNA) II alpha17q21.2
6662SOX9CMD1 | CMPD1 | SRA1 | SRXX2 | SRXY10SRY-box 917q24.3
3959LGALS3BP90K | BTBD17B | CyCAP | M2BP | MAC-2-BP | TANGO10B | gp90lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 binding protein17q25
1528CYB5ACYB5 | MCB5cytochrome b5 type A (microsomal)18q23
1718DHCR24DCE | Nbla03646 | SELADIN1 | seladin-124-dehydrocholesterol reductase1p32.3
3652IPPKLHL27intracisternal A particle-promoted polypeptide1p34-p32
11004KIF2CCT139 | KNSL6 | MCAKkinesin family member 2C1p34.1
10765KDM5BCT31 | JARID1B | PLU-1 | PLU1 | PPP1R98 | PUT1 | RBBP2H1A | RBP2-H1lysine demethylase 5B1q32.1
25782RAB3GAP2RAB3-GAP150 | RAB3GAP150 | SPG69 | WARBM2 | p150RAB3 GTPase activating non-catalytic protein subunit 21q41
2036EPB41L14.1N | MRD11erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 120q11.2-q12
65055REEP1C2orf23 | HMN5B | SPG31 | Yip2areceptor accessory protein 12p11.2
23397NCAPHBRRN1 | CAP-Hnon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H2q11.2
3485IGFBP2IBP2 | IGF-BP53insulin like growth factor binding protein 22q35
10550ARL6IP5DERP11 | GTRAP3-18 | HSPC127 | JWA | PRAF3 | Yip6b | addicsin | hp22 | jmxADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 53p14
1894ECT2ARHGEF31epithelial cell transforming 23q26.1-q26.2
22998LIMCH1LIMCH1A | LMO7BLIM and calponin homology domains 14p13
256987SERINC5C5orf12 | TPO1serine incorporator 55q14.1
3161HMMRCD168 | IHABP | RHAMMhyaluronan mediated motility receptor5q34
28978TMEM14AC6orf73 | PTD011transmembrane protein 14A6p12.2
7923HSD17B8D6S2245E | FABG | FABGL | H2-KE6 | HKE6 | KE6 | RING2 | SDR30C1 | dJ1033B10.9hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 86p21.3
203068TUBBCDCBM6 | CSCSC1 | M40 | OK/SW-cl.56 | TUBB1 | TUBB5tubulin beta class I6p21.33
4739NEDD9CAS-L | CAS2 | CASL | CASS2 | HEF1neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 96p24.2
7272TTKCT96 | ESK | MPH1 | MPS1 | MPS1L1 | PYTTTK protein kinase6q14.1
25842ASF1ACGI-98 | CIA | HSPC146anti-silencing function 1A histone chaperone6q22.31
26271FBXO5EMI1 | FBX5 | Fbxo31F-box protein 56q25.2
23333DPY19L1-dpy-19 like 1 (C. elegans)7p14.2
4034LRCH4LRN | LRRN1 | LRRN4 | PP14183leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 47q22
857CAV1BSCL3 | CGL3 | LCCNS | MSTP085 | PPH3 | VIP21caveolin 17q31.1
3638INSIG1CL-6 | CL6insulin induced gene 17q36
55872PBKCT84 | HEL164 | Nori-3 | SPK | TOPKPDZ binding kinase8p21.2
23362PSD3EFA6D | EFA6R | HCA67pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 38p21.3
2171FABP5E-FABP | EFABP | KFABP | PA-FABP | PAFABPfatty acid binding protein 58q21.13
11168PSIP1DFS70 | LEDGF | PAIP | PSIP2 | p52 | p75PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 19p22.3
6595SMARCA2BAF190 | BRM | NCBRS | SNF2 | SNF2L2 | SNF2LA | SWI2 | Sth1p | hBRM | hSNF2aSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 29p22.3
23137SMC5SMC5L1structural maintenance of chromosomes 59q21.12
5358PLS3BMND18 | T-plastinplastin 3Xq23

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