Search results:

The pahtway p1660 has 137 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 84 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
94134ARHGAP12-Rho GTPase activating protein 1210p11.22
91452ACBD5-acyl-CoA binding domain containing 510p12.1
56889TM9SF3EP70-P-iso | SMBPtransmembrane 9 superfamily member 310q24.1
84833USMG5DAPIT | HCVFTP2 | bA792D24.4up-regulated during skeletal muscle growth 5 homolog (mouse)10q24.33
118987PDZD8PDZK8PDZ domain containing 810q26.12
57586SYT13-synaptotagmin 1311p11.2
7262PHLDA2BRW1C | BWR1C | HLDA2 | IPL | TSSC3pleckstrin homology like domain family A member 211p15.4
54843SYTL2CHR11SYT | EXO4 | PPP1R151 | SGA72M | SLP2 | SLP2Asynaptotagmin like 211q14
2065ERBB3ErbB-3 | HER3 | LCCS2 | MDA-BF-1 | c-erbB-3 | c-erbB3 | erbB3-S | p180-ErbB3 | p45-sErbB3 | p85-sErbB3erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 312q13
7103TSPAN8CO-029 | TM4SF3tetraspanin 812q21.1
8693GALNT4GALNAC-T4 | GALNACT4polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 412q21.33
54621VSIG10-V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 1012q24.23
688KLF5BTEB2 | CKLF | IKLFKruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)13q22.1
2923PDIA3ER60 | ERp57 | ERp60 | ERp61 | GRP57 | GRP58 | HEL-S-269 | HEL-S-93n | HsT17083 | P58 | PI-PLCprotein disulfide isomerase family A member 315q15
51065RPS27L-ribosomal protein S27 like15q22.2
11057ABHD2HS1-2 | LABH2 | PHPS1-2abhydrolase domain containing 215q26.1
1728NQO1DHQU | DIA4 | DTD | NMOR1 | NMORI | QR1NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 116q22.1
1362CPDGP180carboxypeptidase D17q11.2
8714ABCC3ABC31 | EST90757 | MLP2 | MOAT-D | MRP3 | cMOAT2ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 317q22
201266SLC39A11C17orf26 | ZIP11solute carrier family 39 member 1117q24.3-q25.1
3993LLGL2HGL | Hugl-2 | LGL2lethal giant larvae homolog 2, scribble cell polarity complex component17q25.1
1824DSC2ARVD11 | CDHF2 | DG2 | DGII/III | DSC3desmocollin 218q12.1
5205ATP8B1ATPIC | BRIC | FIC1 | ICP1 | PFIC | PFIC1ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B118q21.31
1054CEBPGGPE1BP | IG/EBP-1CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma19q13.11
5296PIK3R2MPPH | MPPH1 | P85B | p85 | p85-BETAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 219q13.2-q13.4
2109ETFBFP585 | MADDelectron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit19q13.3
23443SLC35A3AMRSsolute carrier family 35 member A31p21
5825ABCD3ABC43 | CBAS5 | PMP70 | PXMP1 | ZWS2ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 31p21.3
23576DDAH1DDAH | HEL-S-16dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 11p22
9554SEC22BERS-24 | SEC22L1SEC22 homolog B, vesicle trafficking protein (gene/pseudogene)1q21.1
54865GPATCH4GPATC4G-patch domain containing 41q22
481ATP1B1ATP1BATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 11q24
80267EDEM3C1orf22ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 31q25
3775KCNK1DPK | HOHO | K2P1 | K2p1.1 | KCNO1 | TWIK-1 | TWIK1potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 11q42.2
57168ASPHD2-aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 222q12.1
27352SGSM3MAP | RABGAP5 | RUSC3 | RUTBC3 | RabGAP-5 | rabGAPLPsmall G protein signaling modulator 322q13.1-q13.2
2673GFPT1CMS12 | CMSTA1 | GFA | GFAT | GFAT 1 | GFAT1 | GFAT1m | GFPT | GFPT1L | MSLGglutamine--fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 12p13
2591GALNT3GalNAc-T3 | HFTC | HHSpolypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 32q24-q31
27347STK39DCHT | PASK | SPAKserine/threonine kinase 392q24.3
3655ITGA6CD49f | ITGA6B | VLA-6integrin subunit alpha 62q31.1
7855FZD5C2orf31 | HFZ5frizzled class receptor 52q33.3
25994HIGD1AHIG1 | RCF1aHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1A3p22.1
79669C3orf52TTMPchromosome 3 open reading frame 523q13.2
10954PDIA5PDIRprotein disulfide isomerase family A member 53q21.1
1894ECT2ARHGEF31epithelial cell transforming 23q26.1-q26.2
2122MECOMAML1-EVI-1 | EVI1 | MDS1 | MDS1-EVI1 | PRDM3 | RUSAT2MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus3q26.2
26996GPR160GPCR1 | GPCR150G protein-coupled receptor 1603q26.2-q27
132299OCIAD2-OCIA domain containing 24p11
521ATP5IATP5KATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex subunit E4p16.3
51316PLAC8C15 | DGIC | PNAS-144 | onzinplacenta specific 84q21.22
79071ELOVL6FACE | FAE | LCEELOVL fatty acid elongase 64q25
51809GALNT7GALNAC-T7 | GalNAcT7polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 74q31.1
57600FNIP2FNIPL | MAPO1folliculin interacting protein 24q32.1
57630SH3RF1POSH | RNF142 | SH3MD2SH3 domain containing ring finger 14q32.3
64083GOLPH3GOPP1 | GPP34 | MIDAS | Vps74golgi phosphoprotein 35p13.3
4651MYO10-myosin X5p15.1
22936ELL2-elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 25q15
51128SAR1BANDD | CMRD | GTBPB | SARA2secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1B5q31.1
51523CXXC5CF5 | HSPC195 | RINF | WIDCXXC finger protein 55q31.2
94081SFXN1-sideroflexin 15q35.3
2762GMDSGMD | SDR3E1GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase6p25
94234FOXQ1HFH1forkhead box Q16p25
4646MYO6DFNA22 | DFNB37myosin VI6q13
83699SH3BGRL2-SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like 26q14.1
8763CD164DFNA66 | MGC-24 | MUC-24 | endolynCD164 molecule6q21
9053MAP7E-MAP-115 | EMAP115microtubule associated protein 76q23.3
134957STXBP5LGL3 | LLGL3 | Nbla04300syntaxin binding protein 56q24.3
57583TMEM181GPR178 | KIAA1423transmembrane protein 1816q25.3
222068TMED4ERS25 | GMP25iso | HNLF | p24a3 | p24alpha3transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 47p13
5898RALARALv-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene homolog A (ras related)7p15-p13
11014KDELR2ELP-1 | ERD2.2KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 27p22.1
1595CYP51A1CP51 | CYP51 | CYPL1 | LDM | P450-14DM | P450L1cytochrome P450 family 51 subfamily A member 17q21.2
2050EPHB4HTK | MYK1 | TYRO11EPH receptor B47q22
23516SLC39A14LZT-Hs4 | NET34 | ZIP14 | cig19solute carrier family 39 member 148p21.3
137075CLDN23CLDNL | hCG1646163claudin 238p23.1
2222FDFT1DGPT | ERG9 | SQS | SSfarnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 18p23.1-p22
92421CHMP4CSNF7-3 | Shax3 | VPS32Ccharged multivesicular body protein 4C8q21.13
7264TSTA3FX | P35B | SDR4E1tissue specific transplantation antigen P35B8q24.3
573BAG1BAG-1 | HAP | RAP46BCL2 associated athanogene 19p12
9615GDACYPIN | GUANASE | NEDASINguanine deaminase9q21.13
11046SLC35D2HFRC1 | SQV7L | UGTrel8 | hfrcsolute carrier family 35 member D29q22.32
8573CASKCAGH39 | CAMGUK | CMG | FGS4 | LIN2 | MICPCH | MRXSNA | TNRC8calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family)Xp11.4

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