Search results:

The pahtway p1677 has 42 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 26 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1521CTSWLYPNcathepsin W11q13.1
22992KDM2ACXXC8 | FBL11 | FBL7 | FBXL11 | JHDM1A | LILINAlysine demethylase 2A11q13.2
11098PRSS23SIG13 | SPUVE | ZSIG13protease, serine 2311q14.1
7704ZBTB16PLZF | ZNF145zinc finger and BTB domain containing 1611q23.1
4684NCAM1CD56 | MSK39 | NCAMneural cell adhesion molecule 111q23.1
51348KLRF1CLEC5C | NKp80killer cell lectin like receptor F112p13.31
321APBA2D15S1518E | HsT16821 | LIN-10 | MGC:14091 | MINT2 | X11-BETA | X11Lamyloid beta precursor protein binding family A member 215q11-q12
3394IRF8H-ICSBP | ICSBP | ICSBP1 | IMD32A | IMD32B | IRF-8interferon regulatory factor 816q24.1
6351CCL4ACT2 | AT744.1 | G-26 | HC21 | LAG-1 | LAG1 | MIP-1-beta | MIP1B | MIP1B1 | SCYA2 | SCYA4C-C motif chemokine ligand 417q12
6352CCL5D17S136E | RANTES | SCYA5 | SIS-delta | SISd | TCP228 | eoCPC-C motif chemokine ligand 517q12
596BCL2Bcl-2 | PPP1R50B-cell CLL/lymphoma 218q21.3
4145MATKCHK | CTK | HHYLTK | HYL | HYLTK | Lskmegakaryocyte-associated tyrosine kinase19p13.3
4818NKG7GIG1 | GMP-17 | p15-TIA-1natural killer cell granule protein 719q13.41
115653KIR3DL3CD158Z | KIR2DS2 | KIR3DL7 | KIR44 | KIRC1killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 319q13.42
10451VAV3-vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 31p13.3
11126CD160BY55 | NK1 | NK28CD160 molecule1q21.1
3560IL2RBCD122 | IL15RB | P70-75interleukin 2 receptor subunit beta22q13.1
10578GNLYD2S69E | LAG-2 | LAG2 | NKG5 | TLA519granulysin2p11.2
1844DUSP2PAC-1 | PAC1dual specificity phosphatase 22q11
8807IL18RAPACPL | CD218b | CDw218b | IL-18R-beta | IL-18RAcP | IL-18Rbeta | IL-1R-7 | IL-1R7 | IL-1RAcPL | IL18RBinterleukin 18 receptor accessory protein2q12
7294TXKBTKL | PSCTK5 | PTK4 | RLK | TKLTXK tyrosine kinase4p12
10417SPON2DIL-1 | DIL1 | M-SPONDIN | MINDINspondin 24p16.3
3003GZMKTRYP2granzyme K5q11.2
60468BACH2BTBD25BTB domain and CNC homolog 26q15
27244SESN1PA26 | SEST1sestrin 16q21
27075TSPAN13NET-6 | NET6 | TM4SF13tetraspanin 137p21.1

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