Search results:

The pahtway p2327 has 79 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 47 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
92105INTS4INT4 | MST093integrator complex subunit 411q14.1
23085ERC1Cast2 | ELKS | ERC-1 | RAB6IP2ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 112p13.3
650794MIPEPP3-mitochondrial intermediate peptidase pseudogene 313q12.11
2155F7SPCAcoagulation factor VII13q34
5228PGFD12S1900 | PGFL | PLGF | PlGF-2 | SHGC-10760placental growth factor14q24.3
55142HAUS2C15orf25 | CEP27 | HsT17025HAUS augmin like complex subunit 215q15.2
55075UACANUCLINGuveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats15q22-q24
9768KIAA0101L5 | NS5ATP9 | OEATC | OEATC-1 | OEATC1 | PAF | PAF15 | p15(PAF) | p15/PAF | p15PAFKIAA010115q22.31
10066SCAMP2-secretory carrier membrane protein 215q23-q25
535ATP6V0A1ATP6N1 | ATP6N1A | Stv1 | VPP1 | Vph1 | a1ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a117q21
55771PRR11-proline rich 1117q22
5205ATP8B1ATPIC | BRIC | FIC1 | ICP1 | PFIC | PFIC1ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B118q21.31
5143PDE4CDPDE1phosphodiesterase 4C19p13.11
79939SLC35E1-solute carrier family 35 member E119p13.11
54815GATAD2Ap66alphaGATA zinc finger domain containing 2A19p13.11
7001PRDX2HEL-S-2a | NKEF-B | NKEFB | PRP | PRX2 | PRXII | PTX1 | TDPX1 | TPX1 | TSAperoxiredoxin 219p13.2
9253NUMBLCAG3A | CTG3a | NBL | NUMB-R | NUMBLIKE | NUMBR | TNRC23numb homolog (Drosophila)-like19q13.2
1629DBTBCATE2 | BCKAD-E2 | BCKADE2 | BCOADC-E2 | E2 | E2Bdihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E21p31
56893UBQLN4A1U | A1Up | C1orf6 | CIP75 | UBINubiquilin 41q21
55793FAM63A-family with sequence similarity 63 member A1q21.3
55827DCAF61200006M05Rik | ARCAP | IQWD1 | MSTP055 | NRIP | PC326DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 61q24.2
10528NOP56NOL5A | SCA36NOP56 ribonucleoprotein20p13
55661DDX27DRS1 | Drs1p | HSPC259 | PP3241 | RHLP | dJ686N3.1DEAD-box helicase 2720q13.13
23264ZC3H7BRoXaNzinc finger CCCH-type containing 7B22q13.2
7840ALMS1ALSSALMS1, centrosome and basal body associated protein2p13
9736USP34-ubiquitin specific peptidase 342p15
165324UBXN2AUBXD4UBX domain protein 2A2p23.3
9208LRRFIP1FLAP-1 | FLAP1 | FLIIAP1 | GCF-2 | GCF2 | HUFI-1 | TRIPleucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 12q37.3
8994LIMD1-LIM domains containing 13p21.3
285231FBXW12FBW12 | FBXO12 | FBXO35F-box and WD repeat domain containing 123p21.31
25917THUMPD3-THUMP domain containing 33p25.3
27230SERP1RAMP4stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 13q25.1
54940OCIAD1ASRIJ | OCIA | TPA018OCIA domain containing 14p11
170960ZNF721-zinc finger protein 7214p16.3
100129792CCDC152CH5400coiled-coil domain containing 1525p12
134147CMBLJS-1carboxymethylenebutenolidase homolog (Pseudomonas)5p15.2
57486NLNAGTBP | EP24.16 | MEP | MOPneurolysin5q12.3
6932TCF7TCF-1transcription factor 7 (T-cell specific, HMG-box)5q31.1
51520LARSHSPC192 | ILFS1 | LARS1 | LEURS | LEUS | LFIS | LRS | PIG44 | RNTLS | hr025Clleucyl-tRNA synthetase5q32
1302COL11A2DFNA13 | DFNB53 | FBCG2 | HKE5 | PARP | STL3collagen type XI alpha 26p21.3
10492SYNCRIPGRY-RBP | GRYRBP | HNRNPQ | HNRPQ1 | NSAP1 | PP68 | hnRNP-Qsynaptotagmin binding, cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein6q14-q15
6581SLC22A3EMT | EMTH | OCT3solute carrier family 22 member 36q25.3
8621CDK13CDC2L | CDC2L5 | CHED | hCDK13cyclin-dependent kinase 137p13
80223RAB11FIP1NOEL1A | RCP | rab11-FIP1RAB11 family interacting protein 1 (class I)8p11.22
2260FGFR1BFGFR | CD331 | CEK | FGFBR | FGFR-1 | FLG | FLT-2 | FLT2 | HBGFR | HH2 | HRTFDS | KAL2 | N-SAM | OGD | bFGF-R-1fibroblast growth factor receptor 18p11.23-p11.22
7088TLE1ESG | ESG1 | GRG1transducin like enhancer of split 19q21.32

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