Search results:

The pahtway p2614 has 65 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 38 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
84640USP38HP43.8KDubiquitin specific peptidase 38-
894CCND2KIAK0002 | MPPH3cyclin D212p13
53981CPSF2CPSF100cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 214q31.1
3831KLC1KLC | KNS2 | KNS2Akinesin light chain 114q32.3
55505NOP10DKCB1 | NOLA3 | NOP10PNOP10 ribonucleoprotein15q14-q15
27229TUBGCP476P | GCP-4 | GCP4 | Grip76 | MCCRP3tubulin gamma complex associated protein 415q15
55623THUMPD1Tan1THUMP domain containing 116p12.3
23042PDXDC1LP8165pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 116p13.11
23274CLEC16AGop-1 | KIAA0350C-type lectin domain family 16 member A16p13.13
5694PSMB6DELTA | LMPY | Yproteasome subunit beta 617p13
5469MED1CRSP1 | CRSP200 | DRIP205 | DRIP230 | PBP | PPARBP | PPARGBP | RB18A | TRAP220 | TRIP2mediator complex subunit 117q12
140735DYNLL2DNCL1B | Dlc2 | RSPH22dynein light chain LC8-type 217q22
79016DDA1C19orf58 | PCIA1DET1 and DDB1 associated 119p13.11
54815GATAD2Ap66alphaGATA zinc finger domain containing 2A19p13.11
55621TRMT1TRM1tRNA methyltransferase 119p13.2
7001PRDX2HEL-S-2a | NKEF-B | NKEFB | PRP | PRX2 | PRXII | PTX1 | TDPX1 | TPX1 | TSAperoxiredoxin 219p13.2
5792PTPRFBNAH2 | LARprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type F1p34
6924TCEB3EloA | SIII | SIII p110 | TCEB3Atranscription elongation factor B subunit 31p36.1
11240PADI2PAD-H19 | PAD2 | PDI2peptidyl arginine deiminase, type II1p36.13
55707NECAP2-NECAP endocytosis associated 21p36.13
57085AGTRAPATRAPangiotensin II receptor associated protein1p36.22
2782GNB1-G protein subunit beta 11p36.33
223ALDH9A1ALDH4 | ALDH7 | ALDH9 | E3 | TMABADHaldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family member A11q23.1
3765KCNJ9GIRK3 | KIR3.3potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 91q23.2
6726SRP9ALURBPsignal recognition particle 9kDa1q42.12
6629SNRPB2Msl1small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B20p12.1
51318MRPL35L35mt | MRP-L35mitochondrial ribosomal protein L352p11.2
4528MTIF2-mitochondrial translational initiation factor 22p16.1
5581PRKCEPKCE | nPKC-epsilonprotein kinase C epsilon2p21
65080MRPL44COXPD16 | L44MT | MRP-L44mitochondrial ribosomal protein L442q36.1
60592SCOCHRIHFB2072 | SCOCO | UNC-69short coiled-coil protein4q31.1
6500SKP1EMC19 | OCP-II | OCP2 | SKP1A | TCEB1L | p19AS-phase kinase-associated protein 15q31
3035HARSCMT2W | HRS | USH3Bhistidyl-tRNA synthetase5q31.3
10827FAM114A2133K02 | C5orf3family with sequence similarity 114 member A25q33.2
6293VPS52ARE1 | SAC2 | SACM2L | dJ1033B10.5VPS52, GARP complex subunit6p21.3
2739GLO1GLOD1 | GLYI | HEL-S-74glyoxalase I6p21.3-p21.1
1523CUX1CASP | CDP | CDP/Cut | CDP1 | COY1 | CUTL1 | CUX | Clox | Cux/CDP | GOLIM6 | Nbla10317 | p100 | p110 | p200 | p75cut like homeobox 17q22.1
10671DCTN6WS-3 | WS3 | p27dynactin subunit 68p12

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