Search results:

The pahtway p2753 has 76 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 55 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6001RGS10-regulator of G-protein signaling 1010q25
392ARHGAP1CDC42GAP | RHOGAP | RHOGAP1 | p50rhoGAPRho GTPase activating protein 111p11.2
6947TCN1HC | TC-1 | TC1 | TCItranscobalamin 111q11-q12
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
23052ENDOD1-endonuclease domain containing 111q21
8437RASAL1RASALRAS protein activator like 112q23-q24
55213RCBTB1CLLD7 | CLLL7 | GLPRCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 113q14
57161PELI2-pellino E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 214q21
56905C15orf39-chromosome 15 open reading frame 3915q24.2
930CD19B4 | CVID3CD19 molecule16p11.2
4261CIITAC2TA | CIITAIV | MHC2TA | NLRAclass II, major histocompatibility complex, transactivator16p13
6296ACSM3SA | SAHacyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 316p13.11
64428NARFLHPRN | IOP1 | LET1L | PRNnuclear prelamin A recognition factor-like16p13.3
9100USP10UBPOubiquitin specific peptidase 1016q24.1
58189WFDC1PS20WAP four-disulfide core domain 116q24.3
57045TWSG1TSGtwisted gastrulation BMP signaling modulator 118p11.3
9592IER2ETR101immediate early response 219p13.2
23030KDM4BJMJD2B | TDRD14Blysine demethylase 4B19p13.3
6915TBXA2RBDPLT13 | TXA2-Rthromboxane A2 receptor19p13.3
5739PTGIRIP | PRIPRprostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor (IP)19q13.3
6195RPS6KA1HU-1 | MAPKAPK1A | RSK | RSK1 | p90Rskribosomal protein S6 kinase A11p
965CD58LFA-3 | LFA3 | ag3CD58 molecule1p13
7805LAPTM5CLAST6lysosomal protein transmembrane 51p34
51744CD2442B4 | NAIL | NKR2B4 | Nmrk | SLAMF4CD244 molecule1q23.3
947CD34-CD34 molecule1q32
11047ADRM1ARM-1 | ARM1 | GP110adhesion regulating molecule 120q13.33
28231SLCO4A1OATP-E | OATP1 | OATP4A1 | OATPE | OATPRP1 | POAT | SLC21A12solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A120q13.33
6576SLC25A1CTP | D2L2AD | SEA | SLC20A3solute carrier family 25 member 122q11.21
6091ROBO1DUTT1 | SAX3roundabout guidance receptor 13p12
9254CACNA2D2CACNA2Dcalcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 23p21.3
8692HYAL2LUCA2hyaluronoglucosaminidase 23p21.3
79188TMEM43ARVC5 | ARVD5 | EDMD7 | LUMAtransmembrane protein 433p25.1
3708ITPR1ACV | CLA4 | INSP3R1 | IP3R | IP3R1 | PPP1R94 | SCA15 | SCA16 | SCA29inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 13p26.1
56954NIT2HEL-S-8anitrilase family member 23q12.2
7200TRHPro-TRH | TRFthyrotropin releasing hormone3q13.3-q21
55351STK32BHSA250839 | STK32 | STKG6 | YANK2serine/threonine kinase 32B4p16.2
27306HPGDSGSTS | GSTS1 | GSTS1-1 | PGD2 | PGDShematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase4q22.3
3017HIST1H2BDH2B.1B | H2B/b | H2BFB | HIRIP2 | dJ221C16.6histone cluster 1, H2bd6p21.3
8343HIST1H2BFH2B/g | H2BFGhistone cluster 1, H2bf6p22.2
8345HIST1H2BHH2B/j | H2BFJhistone cluster 1, H2bh6p22.2
8346HIST1H2BIH2B/k | H2BFKhistone cluster 1, H2bi6p22.2
10758TRAF3IP2ACT1 | C6orf2 | C6orf4 | C6orf5 | C6orf6 | CANDF8 | CIKS | PSORS13TRAF3 interacting protein 26q21
4121MAN1A1HUMM3 | HUMM9 | MAN9mannosidase alpha class 1A member 16q22
81552VOPP1ECOP | GASPvesicular, overexpressed in cancer, prosurvival protein 17p11.2
7462LAT2HSPC046 | LAB | NTAL | WBSCR15 | WBSCR5 | WSCR5linker for activation of T-cells family member 27q11.23
10156RASA4CAPRI | GAPLRAS p21 protein activator 47q22
857CAV1BSCL3 | CGL3 | LCCNS | MSTP085 | PPH3 | VIP21caveolin 17q31.1
23362PSD3EFA6D | EFA6R | HCA67pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 38p21.3
862RUNX1T1AML1-MTG8 | AML1T1 | CBFA2T1 | CDR | ETO | MTG8 | ZMYND2runt related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D related)8q22
83988NCALD-neurocalcin delta8q22.2
79870BAALC-brain and acute leukemia, cytoplasmic8q22.3
64798DEPTORDEP.6 | DEPDC6DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein8q24.12
51162EGFL7NEU1 | VE-STATIN | ZNEU1EGF like domain multiple 79q34.3
55859BEX1BEX2 | HBEX2 | HGR74-hbrain expressed X-linked 1Xq22.1|Xq22

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