Search results:

The pahtway p3782 has 38 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 26 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9317PTERHPHRP | RPR-1phosphotriesterase related10p12
150ADRA2AADRA2 | ADRA2R | ADRAR | ALPHA2AAR | ZNF32adrenoceptor alpha 2A10q25.2
5896RAG1RAG-1 | RNF74recombination activating gene 111p13
29015SLC43A3EEG1 | FOAP-13 | PRO1659 | SEEEG-1solute carrier family 43 member 311q11
5024P2RX3P2X3purinergic receptor P2X 311q12
10432RBM14COAA | PSP2 | SIP | SYTIP1 | TMEM137RNA binding motif protein 1411q13.2
3845KRASC-K-RAS | CFC2 | K-RAS2A | K-RAS2B | K-RAS4A | K-RAS4B | KI-RAS | KRAS1 | KRAS2 | NS | NS3 | RALD | RASK2Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog12p12.1
283431GAS2L3G2L3growth arrest specific 2 like 312q23.1
2553GABPB1BABPB2 | E4TF1 | E4TF1-47 | E4TF1-53 | E4TF1B | GABPB | GABPB-1 | GABPB2 | NRF2B1 | NRF2B2GA binding protein transcription factor beta subunit 115q21.2
161882ZFPM1FOG | FOG1 | ZC2HC11A | ZNF408 | ZNF89Azinc finger protein, FOG family member 116q24.2
29128UHRF1ICBP90 | Np95 | RNF106 | TDRD22 | hNP95 | hUHRF1 | huNp95ubiquitin like with PHD and ring finger domains 119p13.3
4298MLLT1ENL | LTG19 | YEATS1myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to, 119p13.3
374907B3GNT8B3GALT7 | BGALT15 | beta3Gn-T8UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 819q13.2
2475MTORFRAP | FRAP1 | FRAP2 | RAFT1 | RAPT1 | SKSmechanistic target of rapamycin1p36.2
7170TPM3CAPM1 | CFTD | HEL-189 | HEL-S-82p | NEM1 | OK/SW-cl.5 | TM-5 | TM3 | TM30 | TM30nm | TM5 | TPMsk3 | TRK | hscp30tropomyosin 31q21.2
9647PPM1FCAMKP | CaMKPase | FEM-2 | POPX2 | hFEM-2protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1F22q11.22
790CADCDG1Zcarbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase2p22-p21
1803DPP4ADABP | ADCP2 | CD26 | DPPIV | TP103dipeptidyl peptidase 42q24.3
92610TIFAT2BP | T6BP | TIFAATRAF interacting protein with forkhead associated domain4q25
6502SKP2FBL1 | FBXL1 | FLB1 | p45S-phase kinase-associated protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase5p13
324APCBTPS2 | DP2 | DP2.5 | DP3 | GS | PPP1R46adenomatous polyposis coli5q21-q22
116113FOXP4hFKHLAforkhead box P46p21.1
4800NFYACBF-A | CBF-B | HAP2 | NF-YAnuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha6p21.3
5649RELNETL7 | LIS2 | PRO1598 | RLreelin7q22
2040STOMBND7 | EPB7 | EPB72stomatin9q34.1
10585POMT1LGMD2K | MDDGA1 | MDDGB1 | MDDGC1 | RTprotein O-mannosyltransferase 19q34.1

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