Search results:

The pahtway p3988 has 30 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 19 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5532PPP3CBCALNA2 | CALNB | CNA2 | PP2Bbetaprotein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit beta10q22.2
23279NUP160-nucleoporin 160kDa11p11.2
2011MARK2EMK-1 | EMK1 | PAR-1 | Par-1b | Par1bmicrotubule affinity regulating kinase 211q13.1
1019CDK4CMM3 | PSK-J3cyclin-dependent kinase 412q14
4673NAP1L1NAP1 | NAP1L | NRPnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 112q21.2
6642SNX1HsT17379 | VPS5sorting nexin 115q22.31
1155TBCBCG22 | CKAP1 | CKAPItubulin folding cofactor B19q13.11-q13.12
10946SF3A3PRP9 | PRPF9 | SAP61 | SF3a60splicing factor 3a subunit 31p34.3
5710PSMD4AF | AF-1 | ASF | MCB1 | Rpn10 | S5A | pUB-R5proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 41q21.3
5877RABIFMSS4 | RASGFR3 | RASGRF3RAB interacting factor1q32.1
1859DYRK1ADYRK | DYRK1 | HP86 | MNB | MNBH | MRD7dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A21q22.13
8209C21orf33ES1 | GT335 | HES1 | KNPH | KNPIchromosome 21 open reading frame 3321q22.3
3030HADHAECHA | GBP | HADH | LCEH | LCHAD | MTPA | TP-ALPHAhydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase/3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase/enoyl-CoA hydratase (trifunctional protein), alpha subunit2p23
5859QARSGLNRS | MSCCA | PRO2195glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase3p21.31
11073TOPBP1TOP2BP1topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 13q22.1
8087FXR1FXR1PFMR1 autosomal homolog 13q28
7416VDAC1PORIN | VDAC-1voltage dependent anion channel 15q31
9275BCL7B-B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7B7q11.23
6717SRICP-22 | CP22 | SCN | V19sorcin7q21.1

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