Search results:

The pahtway p4248 has 30 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 22 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1571CYP2E1CPE1 | CYP2E | P450-J | P450C2Ecytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily E member 110q26.3
133ADMAM | PAMPadrenomedullin11p15.4
3784KCNQ1ATFB1 | ATFB3 | JLNS1 | KCNA8 | KCNA9 | KVLQT1 | Kv1.9 | Kv7.1 | LQT | LQT1 | RWS | SQT2 | WRSpotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 111p15.5
9099USP2UBP41 | USP9ubiquitin specific peptidase 211q23.3
6376CX3CL1ABCD-3 | C3Xkine | CXC3 | CXC3C | NTN | NTT | SCYD1 | fractalkine | neurotactinC-X3-C motif chemokine ligand 116q13
5187PER1PER | RIGUI | hPERperiod circadian clock 117p13.1
55748CNDP2CN2 | CPGL | HEL-S-13 | HsT2298 | PEPACNDP dipeptidase 2 (metallopeptidase M20 family)18q22.3
467ATF3-activating transcription factor 31q32.3
5105PCK1PEPCK-C | PEPCK1 | PEPCKCphosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 120q13.31
8809IL18R1CD218a | CDw218a | IL-1Rrp | IL18RA | IL1RRPinterleukin 18 receptor 12q12
2596GAP43B-50 | PP46growth associated protein 433q13.31
10409BASP1CAP-23 | CAP23 | NAP-22 | NAP22brain abundant membrane attached signal protein 15p15.1
23286WWC1HBEBP3 | HBEBP36 | KIBRA | MEMRYQTL | PPP1R168WW and C2 domain containing 15q34
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
8870IER3DIF-2 | DIF2 | GLY96 | IEX-1 | IEX-1L | IEX1 | PRG1immediate early response 36p21.3
3303HSPA1AHEL-S-103 | HSP70-1 | HSP70-1A | HSP70.1 | HSP70I | HSP72 | HSPA1heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A6p21.3
5649RELNETL7 | LIS2 | PRO1598 | RLreelin7q22
7071KLF10EGR-alpha | EGRA | TIEG | TIEG1Kruppel-like factor 108q22.2
1306COL15A1-collagen type XV alpha 19q21-q22
9314KLF4EZF | GKLFKruppel-like factor 4 (gut)9q31
3934LCN224p3 | MSFI | NGAL | p25lipocalin 29q34
55859BEX1BEX2 | HBEX2 | HGR74-hbrain expressed X-linked 1Xq22.1|Xq22

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