Search results:

The pahtway p4509 has 73 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 37 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
7431VIMCTRCT30 | HEL113vimentin10p13
10935PRDX3AOP-1 | AOP1 | HBC189 | MER5 | PRO1748 | SP-22 | prx-IIIperoxiredoxin 310q25-q26
3312HSPA8HEL-33 | HEL-S-72p | HSC54 | HSC70 | HSC71 | HSP71 | HSP73 | HSPA10 | LAP-1 | LAP1 | NIP71heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 811q24.1
1431CS-citrate synthase12q13.2
4673NAP1L1NAP1 | NAP1L | NRPnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 112q21.2
6166RPL36ALRPL36Aribosomal protein L36a like14q21
5479PPIBCYP-S1 | CYPB | HEL-S-39 | OI9 | SCYLPpeptidylprolyl isomerase B15q21-q22
11051NUDT21CFIM25 | CPSF5nudix hydrolase 2116q12.2
9501RPH3ALNOC2rabphilin 3A-like (without C2 domains)17p13.3
4831NME2NDKB | NDPK-B | NDPKB | NM23-H2 | NM23B | PUFNME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 217q21.3
71ACTG1ACT | ACTG | BRWS2 | DFNA20 | DFNA26 | HEL-176actin gamma 117q25
498ATP5A1ATP5A | ATP5AL2 | ATPM | COXPD22 | HEL-S-123m | MC5DN4 | MOM2 | OMR | ORM | hATP1ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1, cardiac muscle18q21
7386UQCRFS1RIP1 | RIS1 | RISP | UQCR5ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 119q12
26330GAPDHSGAPD2 | GAPDH-2 | GAPDS | HEL-S-278 | HSD-35glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spermatogenic19q13.12
10945KDELR1ERD2 | ERD2.1 | HDEL | PM23KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 119q13.3
84320ACBD6-acyl-CoA binding domain containing 61q25.3
191AHCYSAHH | adoHcyaseadenosylhomocysteinase20q11.22
6227RPS21HLDF | S21ribosomal protein S2120q13.3
10478SLC25A17PMP34solute carrier family 25 member 1722q13.2
10575CCT4CCT-DELTA | Cctd | SRBchaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 42p15
5496PPM1GPP2CG | PP2CGAMMA | PPP2CGprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1G2p23.3
51263MRPL30L28MT | L30MT | MRP-L28 | MRP-L30 | MRPL28 | MRPL28M | RPML28mitochondrial ribosomal protein L302q11.2
29789OLA1DOC45 | GBP45 | GTBP9 | GTPBP9 | PTD004Obg-like ATPase 12q31.1
3615IMPDH2IMPD2 | IMPDH-IIIMP (inosine 5'-monophosphate) dehydrogenase 23p21.2
956ENTPD3CD39L3 | HB6 | NTPDase-3ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 33p21.3
8087FXR1FXR1PFMR1 autosomal homolog 13q28
10606PAICSADE2 | ADE2H1 | AIRC | PAISphosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase4q12
7416VDAC1PORIN | VDAC-1voltage dependent anion channel 15q31
9533POLR1CAC40 | HLD11 | RPA39 | RPA40 | RPA5 | RPAC1 | RPC40 | TCS3polymerase (RNA) I subunit C6p21.1
534ATP6V1G2ATP6G | ATP6G2 | NG38 | VMA10ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G26p21.3
203068TUBBCDCBM6 | CSCSC1 | M40 | OK/SW-cl.56 | TUBB1 | TUBB5tubulin beta class I6p21.33
7280TUBB2ACDCBM5 | TUBB | TUBB2tubulin beta 2A class IIa6p25
5269SERPINB6CAP | DFNB91 | MSTP057 | PI-6 | PI6 | PTI | SPI3serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 66p25
6950TCP1CCT-alpha | CCT1 | CCTa | D6S230E | TCP-1-alphat-complex 16q25.3-q26
3646EIF3EEIF3-P48 | EIF3S6 | INT6 | eIF3-p46eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit E8q22-q23
29968PSAT1EPIP | NLS2 | PSA | PSAT | PSATDphosphoserine aminotransferase 19q21.2
5230PGK1HEL-S-68p | MIG10 | PGKAphosphoglycerate kinase 1Xq13.3

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