Search results:

The pahtway p736 has 29 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 11 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
4312MMP1CLG | CLGNmatrix metallopeptidase 111q22.3
4314MMP3CHDS6 | MMP-3 | SL-1 | STMY | STMY1 | STR1matrix metallopeptidase 311q22.3
4322MMP13CLG3 | MANDP1 | MMP-13matrix metallopeptidase 1311q22.3
4326MMP17MMP-17 | MT4-MMP | MT4MMP | MTMMP4matrix metallopeptidase 1712q24.3
5045FURINFUR | PACE | PCSK3 | SPC1furin, paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme15q26.1
4313MMP2CLG4 | CLG4A | MMP-2 | MMP-II | MONA | TBE-1matrix metallopeptidase 216q12.2
7077TIMP2CSC-21K | DDC8TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 217q25
4318MMP9CLG4B | GELB | MANDP2 | MMP-9matrix metallopeptidase 920q13.12
4325MMP16C8orf57 | MMP-X2 | MT-MMP2 | MT-MMP3 | MT3-MMPmatrix metallopeptidase 168q21.3
7076TIMP1CLGI | EPA | EPO | HCI | TIMP | TIMP-1TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1Xp11.3-p11.23

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