p.R1975L | TCGA-09-2044 | OV | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1975L | DO28923 | OV | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.D2489Y | TCGA-13-0916 | OV | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6214 |
p.D2489Y | DO32566 | OV | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6214 |
p.N1969Y | TCGA-17-Z031 | LUAD | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.V952L | TCGA-2H-A9GL | ESCA | TCGA | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.C2494S | TCGA-33-4586 | LUSC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.C2494S | DO27318 | LUSC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.E1974V | TCGA-44-2656 | LUAD | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.E1974V | DO26052 | LUAD | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.N2480I | TCGA-56-A62T | LUSC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.N2480I | DO219144 | LUSC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.G960D | TCGA-58-A46L | LUSC | TCGA | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.G960D | DO45434 | LUSC | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.S1764G | TCGA-85-A5B5 | LUSC | TCGA | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.S1764G | DO50102 | LUSC | ICGC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.A945V | TCGA-A5-A1OF | UCEC | TCGA | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5825 |
p.A945V | TCGA-AJ-A3OJ | UCEC | TCGA | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5825 |
p.A945V | DO42568 | UCEC | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5825 |
p.A945V | DO42753 | UCEC | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5825 |
p.P1514L | TCGA-AA-3561 | COAD | TCGA | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.P1514L | DO10790 | COAD | ICGC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.E1974K | TCGA-AG-A002 | READ | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.E1974K | TCGA-D1-A15X | UCEC | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.E1974K | DO43274 | UCEC | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.R1518H | TCGA-AP-A051 | UCEC | TCGA | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1518H | DO42673 | UCEC | ICGC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1518H | SIDM00364 | B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia | GDSC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1518H | ACH-002059 | Leukemia | CCLE | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1518H | P30-OHK | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R2484C | TCGA-AP-A051 | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R2484C | TCGA-FI-A2D0 | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R2484C | TCGA-FI-A2D5 | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R2484C | DO43891 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R2484C | DO42673 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R2484C | DO41331 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.719 |
p.R2484H | TCGA-AX-A0J1 | UCEC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7133 |
p.R2484H | DO41199 | UCEC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7133 |
p.A1973D | TCGA-AY-6197 | COAD | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.A1973D | DO9956 | COAD | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.E2500Q | TCGA-C8-A8HQ | BRCA | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E2500Q | TCGA-S5-A6DX | BLCA | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E2500Q | DO51903 | BLCA | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.E2500Q | DO219623 | BRCA | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.S1764I | TCGA-CA-6717 | COAD | TCGA | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.S1764I | DO8264 | COAD | ICGC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.P1963Q | TCGA-D3-A2JO | SKCM | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7035 |
p.P1963Q | DO47619 | SKCM | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7035 |
p.K957N | TCGA-D3-A3CE | SKCM | TCGA | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.2778 |
p.K957N | DO37405 | SKCM | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.2778 |
p.P1515S | TCGA-D5-6530 | COAD | TCGA | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.P1515S | TCGA-VQ-A8E0 | STAD | TCGA | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.P1515S | DO8312 | COAD | ICGC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.P1515S | DO51757 | STAD | ICGC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.C2494Y | TCGA-EM-A2OV | THCA | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.C2494Y | DO39684 | THCA | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.R1975W | TCGA-EO-A3AV | UCEC | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1975W | DO222817 | BTCA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1975W | DO52412 | UCEC | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.D1744G | TCGA-FI-A2D5 | UCEC | TCGA | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.D1744G | DO41331 | UCEC | ICGC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.K957E | TCGA-FI-A2F4 | UCEC | TCGA | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.2778 |
p.K957E | DO43434 | UCEC | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.2778 |
p.P1963L | TCGA-FP-A4BE | STAD | TCGA | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.P1963L | DO233253 | GACA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.P1963L | DO233903 | GACA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.P1963L | DO48016 | STAD | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7582 |
p.S2490I | TCGA-X6-A7WB | SARC | TCGA | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7341 |
p.S2490I | DO220314 | SARC | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7341 |
p.G1968S | DO49292 | ALL | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R2502H | DO50466 | BOCA | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.V1508I | DO225207 | BRCA | ICGC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.V1508I | SIDM00683 | Prostate Carcinoma | GDSC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R1742K | DO228722 | EOPC | ICGC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.R1518C | DO228544 | GACA | ICGC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R1977Q | DO233254 | GACA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.R1977Q | SIDM00151 | Ovarian Carcinoma | GDSC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.R1977Q | ACH-000966 | Ovarian Cancer | CCLE | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.R1977Q | IGROV-1 | ovary | COSMIC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.G950C | DO228976 | LICA | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6489 |
p.A938S | DO229029 | LICA | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.G1968V | DO229028 | LICA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.G1957R | DO229058 | LICA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.A1971P | DO220891 | MELA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.S1760F | DO222843 | MELA | ICGC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R2486G | DO31150 | OV | ICGC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6457 |
p.S1747F | DO34736 | PACA | ICGC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.D949N | DO35242 | PACA | ICGC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5821 |
p.R1977W | DO232224 | PBCA | ICGC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.V1504M | SIDM00281 | Other Solid Cancers | GDSC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.V1504M | ACH-002100 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.V1504M | DJM-1 | skin | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.Y1517H | SIDM00718 | Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | GDSC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7229 |
p.Y1517H | ACH-000860 | Lung Cancer | CCLE | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7229 |
p.Y1517H | NCI-H358 | lung | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7229 |
p.M2496T | SIDM00795 | Melanoma | GDSC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.M2496T | ACH-000219 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.M2496T | ACH-002001 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.M2496T | ACH-002002 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.M2496T | ACH-002003 | Skin Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.M2496T | A375 | skin | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.A1527V | SIDM00660 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.A1527V | ACH-000985 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.A1527V | LS-411N | large intestine | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.G1957E | SIDM00272 | Breast Carcinoma | GDSC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.G1957E | ACH-000910 | Breast Cancer | CCLE | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.G1957E | MDA-MB-453 | breast | COSMIC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.D2489N | SIDM00527 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5821 |
p.D2489N | ACH-000935 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5821 |
p.D2489N | MDST8 | large intestine | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5821 |
p.K2493M | SIDM00316 | Glioblastoma | GDSC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.K2493M | ACH-000469 | Brain Cancer | CCLE | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.K2493M | YH-13 | central nervous system | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.V1508A | ACH-001130 | Lymphoma | CCLE | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.D1512G | ACH-001533 | Lymphoma | CCLE | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.M2495T | A375 | skin | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.L1967M | CAKI-1 | kidney | COSMIC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.711 |
p.L1517R | WSU-NHL | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8428 |
p.D2488N | MDST8 | large intestine | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6932 |
p.S1743P | CW-2 | large intestine | COSMIC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.D2492N | MDST8 | large intestine | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5821 |
p.N1747I | HOP-92 | lung | COSMIC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.Y1517C | NCI-H630 | large intestine | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7087 |
p.R1517H | P30-OHK | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.S2477R | PL18 | pancreas | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.Y1516C | NCI-H630 | large intestine | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7087 |
p.G1956E | MDA-MB-453 | breast | COSMIC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation blocking phosphorylation signal | 0.5833 |
p.S2487P | ONS-76 | central nervous system | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6752 |
p.R1521H | Jurkat | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.Y1516H | NCI-H358 | lung | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7229 |
p.G1762V | TGBC11TKB | stomach | COSMIC | DSGLSSS | DEG_SCF_TRCP1_1 | 1751:1757 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.R1976Q | IGROV-1 | ovary | COSMIC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.M2499T | A375 | skin | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.V947F | LB996-RCC | kidney | COSMIC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7068 |
p.K2496M | YH-13 | central nervous system | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.K2492M | YH-13 | central nervous system | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8062 |
p.A1526V | LS-411N | large intestine | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.R1955I | COLO-800 | skin | COSMIC | PGTTS | DEG_SPOP_SBC_1 | 1963:1967 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.T947A | HCC2998 | large intestine | COSMIC | MATTPDGT | DEG_SCF_FBW7_1 | 944:951 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7139 |
p.S2494P | KYSE-150 | oesophagus | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.I1504M | OVK-18 | ovary | COSMIC | PPFY | ITCH | 1514:1517 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.N2490S | SNU-1040 | large intestine | COSMIC | RRRSLDSLD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 2484:2492 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7069 |