p.D3811E | TCGA-04-1343 | OV | TCGA | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.H1784Y | TCGA-18-3409 | LUSC | TCGA | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6118 |
p.H1784Y | DO26444 | LUSC | ICGC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6118 |
p.G3103V | TCGA-22-1011 | LUSC | TCGA | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R3832C | TCGA-55-A57B | LUAD | TCGA | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R3832C | TCGA-55-A57B | LUAD | TCGA | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.A3099T | TCGA-A5-A1OF | UCEC | TCGA | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.R1751C | TCGA-AA-A010 | COAD | TCGA | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8301 |
p.I3094M | TCGA-AJ-A3EL | UCEC | TCGA | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6507 |
p.T1742A | TCGA-B5-A11E | UCEC | TCGA | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.P3843L | TCGA-BP-5189 | KIRC | TCGA | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.Y3823C | TCGA-BR-4361 | STAD | TCGA | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8198 |
p.R3849M | TCGA-D3-A2JP | SKCM | TCGA | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.Q3847H | TCGA-DK-A3IS | BLCA | TCGA | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.L1754F | TCGA-EB-A431 | SKCM | TCGA | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6981 |
p.L1754F | DO37671 | SKCM | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6981 |
p.G3103C | TCGA-EE-A17Z | SKCM | TCGA | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.S1781L | TCGA-EE-A181 | SKCM | TCGA | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6556 |
p.S1781L | DO37444 | SKCM | ICGC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6556 |
p.P3845L | TCGA-HT-7475 | LGG | TCGA | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.S1766Y | TCGA-HV-A7OP | PAAD | TCGA | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1111 |
p.R1751L | TCGA-KK-A59X | PRAD | TCGA | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8428 |
p.R1751L | DO51348 | PRAD | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8428 |
p.R3834T | TCGA-P3-A5Q5 | HNSC | TCGA | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7876 |
p.E3825K | TCGA-VS-A958 | CESC | TCGA | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7022 |
p.S1760Y | TCGA-YC-A89H | BLCA | TCGA | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.S1760Y | DO51948 | BLCA | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.D3821V | DO48451 | BLCA | ICGC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7785 |
p.Q3082E | DO465 | BLCA | ICGC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.D3823N | DO2401 | BRCA | ICGC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6932 |
p.R1763H | DO231147 | LAML | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.Q3080H | DO229018 | LICA | ICGC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.V1750F | DO229019 | LICA | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7068 |
p.V1753F | DO229028 | LICA | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.5957 |
p.R3839L | DO229034 | LICA | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8428 |
p.S3105I | DO229041 | LICA | ICGC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.1667 |
p.G3810C | DO229045 | LICA | ICGC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.T3831I | DO24307 | LUAD | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.T3831I | DO24307 | LUAD | ICGC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.D3828E | DO26486 | LUSC | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.D3828E | DO26486 | LUSC | ICGC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.S1778Y | DO223711 | PAAD | ICGC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.Q3077H | DO34128 | PACA | ICGC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.G3846C | DO38033 | SKCM | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.L1747F | DO219503 | SKCM | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.I3843M | DO47819 | STAD | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.F3851C | DO41020 | UCEC | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.F3851C | DO42568 | UCEC | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0556 |
p.T1754A | DO41644 | UCEC | ICGC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7139 |
p.R3832W | DO41903 | UCEC | ICGC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R3832W | DO41903 | UCEC | ICGC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.A1744V | SIDM00499 | Prostate Carcinoma | GDSC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.A1744V | ACH-000956 | Prostate Cancer | CCLE | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.A1744V | 22RV1 | prostate | COSMIC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R3832H | SIDM00373 | Endometrial Carcinoma | GDSC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.3056 |
p.R3832H | SIDM00373 | Endometrial Carcinoma | GDSC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.V1790G | SIDM00915 | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | GDSC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.V1790G | SIDM00741 | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | GDSC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.V1790G | SIDM00117 | Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | GDSC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.V1790G | SIDM01229 | Neuroblastoma | GDSC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2222 |
p.R3827S | SIDM00776 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R3827S | SIDM00776 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.R3827S | ACH-000501 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R3827S | ACH-000501 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.R3827S | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.R3827S | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.H3828L | SIDM00776 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.H3828L | SIDM00776 | Colorectal Carcinoma | GDSC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.H3828L | ACH-000501 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.H3828L | ACH-000501 | Colon/Colorectal Cancer | CCLE | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.H3828L | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.H3828L | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R1751H | SIDM00650 | Small Cell Lung Carcinoma | GDSC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.R1751H | SIDM01681 | Non-Cancerous | GDSC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.R1751H | ACH-002362 | Non-Cancerous | CCLE | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.H1784R | SIDM00907 | Burkitt's Lymphoma | GDSC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.H1784R | ACH-000440 | Lymphoma | CCLE | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.H1784R | CA46 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.8244 |
p.K1762E | SIDM01187 | Breast Carcinoma | GDSC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3333 |
p.K1762E | UACC-812 | breast | COSMIC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation substituting flanking lysine | 0.3333 |
p.T3830M | SIDM01502 | Endometrial Carcinoma | GDSC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.T3830M | SIDM01502 | Endometrial Carcinoma | GDSC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.T3830M | ACH-000435 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.T3830M | ACH-000435 | Endometrial/Uterine Cancer | CCLE | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |
p.N3102S | SIDM01445 | Gastric Carcinoma | GDSC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.N3102S | ACH-000736 | Gastric Cancer | CCLE | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.E1786G | ACH-001369 | Ovarian Cancer | CCLE | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.7199 |
p.K1773E | UACC-812 | breast | COSMIC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1389 |
p.K3078N | YH-13 | central nervous system | COSMIC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.K3078N | SNU-C2B | large intestine | COSMIC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.K3078N | JHH-4 | liver | COSMIC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.K3078N | LC4-1 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | RRSLLSEIQ | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3087:3095 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.A1755V | 22RV1 | prostate | COSMIC | GRHVLGILD | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 1750:1758 | Mutation altering degron motif | 0.6936 |
p.H3831L | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.2778 |
p.H3831L | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1667 |
p.H1795R | CA46 | haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue | COSMIC | KSCVHEE | LIG_APCC_ABBAyCdc20_2 | 1780:1786 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.0833 |
p.R3830S | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | SRSDLDYIR | DEG_APCC_DBOX_1 | 3833:3841 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.25 |
p.R3830S | LS-123 | large intestine | COSMIC | LELYGE | LIG_APCC_ABBA_1 | 3820:3825 | Mutation rewiring degron network | 0.1944 |