1 | Genomics 2001 May 74: 36-44 |
PMID | 11374900 |
Title | Identification of the human KIF13A gene homologous to Drosophila kinesin-73 and candidate for schizophrenia. |
Abstract | Several studies have reported significant linkage for schizophrenia on 6p23, with a maximum lod score between D6S274 and D6S285. In this paper, we present a new human kinesin gene localized in this 2-cM interval. This gene, termed KIF13A, belongs to the unc-104/KIF1A kinesin subfamily and represents the orthologue of Drosophila kinesin-73. Several alternative transcripts are differentially expressed in human tissues, probably reflecting differences in cargo binding and transport of corresponding proteins. During early mouse development, its homologue (Kif13A) is expressed essentially in the central nervous system. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the unc-104 gene is involved in axonal anterograde transport, and null mutants present several behavioral defects. The putative function and genomic localization of KIF13A make this gene an interesting candidate for genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. We provide sequences of 20 single-nucleotide polymorphisms localized within KIF13A to test for association studies between this gene and schizophrenia. |
SCZ Keywords | schizophrenia |
2 | Neuroscience 2010 Apr 167: 135-42 |
PMID | 20138128 |
Title | Loss of synaptotagmin IV results in a reduction in synaptic vesicles and a distortion of the Golgi structure in cultured hippocampal neurons. |
Abstract | Fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane is mediated by the SNARE (soluble NSF attachment receptor) proteins and is regulated by synaptotagmin (syt). There are at least 17 syt isoforms that have the potential to act as modulators of membrane fusion events. Synaptotagmin IV (syt IV) is particularly interesting; it is an immediate early gene that is regulated by seizures and certain classes of drugs, and, in humans, syt IV maps to a region of chromosome 18 associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disease. Syt IV has recently been found to localize to dense core vesicles in hippocampal neurons, where it regulates neurotrophin release. Here we have examined the ultrastructure of cultured hippocampal neurons from wild-type and syt IV -/- mice using electron tomography. Perhaps surprisingly, we observed a potential synaptic vesicle transport defect in syt IV -/- neurons, with the accumulation of large numbers of small clear vesicles (putative axonal transport vesicles) near the trans-Golgi network. We also found an interaction between syt IV and KIF1A, a kinesin known to be involved in vesicle trafficking to the synapse. Finally, we found that syt IV -/- synapses exhibited reduced numbers of synaptic vesicles and a twofold reduction in the proportion of docked vesicles compared to wild-type. The proportion of docked vesicles in syt IV -/- boutons was further reduced, 5-fold, following depolarization. |
SCZ Keywords | schizophrenia |