Search results:

The pahtway p1555 has 68 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 41 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3688ITGB1CD29 | FNRB | GPIIA | MDF2 | MSK12 | VLA-BETA | VLABintegrin subunit beta 110p11.2
917CD3GCD3-GAMMA | IMD17 | T3GCD3g molecule11q23
3359HTR3A5-HT-3 | 5-HT3A | 5-HT3R | 5HT3R | HTR35-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A11q23.1
10632ATP5LATP5JGATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex subunit G11q23.3
1848DUSP6HH19 | MKP3 | PYST1dual specificity phosphatase 612q21.33
5367PMCHMCH | ppMCHpro-melanin concentrating hormone12q23.2
51761ATP8A2ATP | ATPIB | CAMRQ4 | IB | ML-1ATPase phospholipid transporting 8A213q12
10129FRY13CDNA73 | 214K23.2 | C13orf14 | CG003 | bA207N4.2 | bA37E23.1FRY microtubule binding protein13q13.1
4212MEIS2HsT18361 | MRG1Meis homeobox 215q14
51150SDF4Cab45 | SDF-4stromal cell derived factor 41p36.33
9659PDE4DIPCMYA2 | MMGLphosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein1q12
5743PTGS2COX-2 | COX2 | GRIPGHS | PGG/HS | PGHS-2 | PHS-2 | hCox-2prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 21q25.2-q25.3
5476CTSAGLB2 | GSL | NGBE | PPCA | PPGBcathepsin A20q13.1
22934RPIARPI | RPIADribose 5-phosphate isomerase A2p11.2
10578GNLYD2S69E | LAG-2 | LAG2 | NKG5 | TLA519granulysin2p11.2
7273TTNCMD1G | CMH9 | CMPD4 | EOMFC | HMERF | LGMD2J | MYLK5 | TMDtitin2q31
84864MINAMDIG | MINA53 | NO52 | ROXMYC induced nuclear antigen3q11.2
10225CD96TACTILECD96 molecule3q13.13-q13.2
942CD86B7-2 | B7.2 | B70 | CD28LG2 | LAB72CD86 molecule3q21
27230SERP1RAMP4stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 13q25.1
3490IGFBP7AGM | FSTL2 | IBP-7 | IGFBP-7 | IGFBP-7v | IGFBPRP1 | MAC25 | PSF | RAMSVPS | TAFinsulin like growth factor binding protein 74q12
26228STAP1BRDG1 | STAP-1signal transducing adaptor family member 14q13.2
4208MEF2CC5DELq14.3 | DEL5q14.3myocyte enhancer factor 2C5q14.3
51389RWDD1CGI-24 | PTD013RWD domain containing 16q13-q22.33
51465UBE2J1CGI-76 | HSPC153 | HSPC205 | HSU93243 | NCUBE-1 | NCUBE1 | UBC6 | UBC6E | Ubc6pubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 J16q15
23376UFL1KIAA0776 | Maxer | NLBP | RCADUFM1 specific ligase 16q16.1
2534FYNSLK | SYN | p59-FYNFYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase6q21
23097CDK19CDC2L6 | CDK11 | bA346C16.3cyclin-dependent kinase 196q21
5980REV3LPOLZ | REV3REV3 like, DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit6q21
54504CPVLHVLPcarboxypeptidase, vitellogenic like7p15.1
10142AKAP9AKAP-9 | AKAP350 | AKAP450 | CG-NAP | HYPERION | LQT11 | MU-RMS-40.16A | PPP1R45 | PRKA9 | YOTIAOA-kinase anchoring protein 97q21-q22
29969MDFICHICMyoD family inhibitor domain containing7q31.1-q31.2
10049DNAJB6DJ4 | DnaJ | HHDJ1 | HSJ-2 | HSJ2 | LGMD1D | LGMD1E | MRJ | MSJ-1DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B67q36.3
1846DUSP4HVH2 | MKP-2 | MKP2 | TYPdual specificity phosphatase 48p12-p11
5569PKIAPRKACN1protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor alpha8q21.12
5168ENPP2ATX | ATX-X | AUTOTAXIN | LysoPLD | NPP2 | PD-IALPHA | PDNP2ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 28q24.1
10656KHDRBS3Etle | SALP | SLM-2 | SLM2 | T-STAR | TSTAR | etoileKH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 38q24.2
301ANXA1ANX1 | LPC1annexin A19q21.13
158471PRUNE2BMCC1 | BNIPXL | C9orf65 | KIAA0367prune homolog 2 (Drosophila)9q21.2
5774PTPN3PTP-H1 | PTPH1protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 39q31
4128MAOAMAO-Amonoamine oxidase AXp11.3

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