Search results:

The pahtway p1801 has 44 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 30 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
54541DDIT4Dig2 | REDD-1 | REDD1DNA damage inducible transcript 410q22.1
59ACTA2AAT6 | ACTSA | MYMY5actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta10q23.3
355FASALPS1A | APO-1 | APT1 | CD95 | FAS1 | FASTM | TNFRSF6Fas cell surface death receptor10q24.1
1643DDB2DDBB | UV-DDB2 | XPEdamage specific DNA binding protein 211p11.2
64787EPS8L2EPS8R2EPS8 like 211p15.5
8061FOSL1FRA | FRA1 | fra-1FOS like antigen 111q13
27165GLS2GA | GLS | LGA | hLGAglutaminase 212q13.3
51065RPS27L-ribosomal protein S27 like15q22.2
220ALDH1A3ALDH1A6 | ALDH6 | MCOP8 | RALDH3aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A315q26.3
8493PPM1DPP2C-DELTA | WIP1protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1D17q23.2
2232FDXRADXRferredoxin reductase17q25.1
51477ISYNA1INO1 | INOS | IPS | IPS 1 | IPS-1inositol-3-phosphate synthase 119p13.11
5141PDE4ADPDE2 | PDE4 | PDE46phosphodiesterase 4A19p13.2
1647GADD45ADDIT1 | GADD45growth arrest and DNA damage inducible alpha1p31.2
4000LMNACDCD1 | CDDC | CMD1A | CMT2B1 | EMD2 | FPL | FPLD | FPLD2 | HGPS | IDC | LDP1 | LFP | LGMD1B | LMN1 | LMNC | LMNL1 | PRO1lamin A/C1q22
7832BTG2PC3 | TIS21BTG family member 21q32
10544PROCRCCCA | CCD41 | EPCRprotein C receptor20q11.2
307ANXA4ANX4 | HEL-S-274 | P32.5 | PAP-II | PIG28 | PP4-X | ZAP36annexin A42p13
10769PLK2SNK | hPlk2 | hSNKpolo like kinase 25q12.1-q13.2
9547CXCL14BMAC | BRAK | KEC | KS1 | MIP-2g | MIP2G | NJAC | SCYB14C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 145q31
1026CDKN1ACAP20 | CDKN1 | CIP1 | MDA-6 | P21 | SDI1 | WAF1 | p21CIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A6p21.2
8870IER3DIF-2 | DIF2 | GLY96 | IEX-1 | IEX-1L | IEX1 | PRG1immediate early response 36p21.3
27244SESN1PA26 | SEST1sestrin 16q21
11257TP53TG1LINC00096 | NCRNA00096 | P53TG1 | P53TG1-D | TP53AP1TP53 target 1 (non-protein coding)7q21.1
5054SERPINE1PAI | PAI-1 | PAI1 | PLANH1serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 17q22.1
857CAV1BSCL3 | CGL3 | LCCNS | MSTP085 | PPH3 | VIP21caveolin 17q31.1
286ANK1ANK | SPH1 | SPH2ankyrin 18p11.1
5327PLATT-PA | TPAplasminogen activator, tissue type8p12
4747NEFLCMT1F | CMT2E | NF-L | NF68 | NFL | PPP1R110neurofilament, light polypeptide8p21
301ANXA1ANX1 | LPC1annexin A19q21.13

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