Search results:

The pahtway p1983 has 116 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 71 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5588PRKCQPRKCT | nPKC-thetaprotein kinase C theta10p15
8065CUL5VACM-1 | VACM1cullin 511q22.3
3709ITPR2ANHD | CFAP48 | INSP3R2 | IP3R2inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 212p11
1389CREBL2-cAMP responsive element binding protein like 212p13
23479ISCU2310020H20Rik | HML | ISU2 | NIFU | NIFUN | hnifUiron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme12q24.1
79003MIS122510025F08Rik | KNTC2AP | MTW1 | hMis12MIS12 kinetochore complex component17p13.2
124936CYB5D2-cytochrome b5 domain containing 217p13.2
5914RARANR1B1 | RARretinoic acid receptor alpha17q21
55163PNPOHEL-S-302 | PDXPOpyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase17q21.32
57655GRAMD1AKIAA1533GRAM domain containing 1A19q13.13
2058EPRSEARS | GLUPRORS | PARS | PIG32 | QARS | QPRSglutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase1q41
55032SLC35A5-solute carrier family 35 member A53q13.2
133308SLC9B2NHA2 | NHE10 | NHEDC2solute carrier family 9 member B24q24
287ANK2ANK-2 | LQT4 | brank-2ankyrin 2, neuronal4q25-q27
56172ANKHANK | CCAL2 | CMDJ | CPPDD | HANK | MANKANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator5p15.1
3796KIF2ACDCBM3 | HK2 | KIF2kinesin heavy chain member 2A5q12-q13
5683PSMA2HC3 | MU | PMSA2 | PSC2proteasome subunit alpha 27p13
23386NUDCD3NudCLNudC domain containing 37p13-p12
152006RNF38-ring finger protein 389p13
54840APTXAOA | AOA1 | AXA1 | EAOH | EOAHA | FHA-HITaprataxin9p13.3
4507MTAPBDMF | DMSFH | DMSMFH | HEL-249 | LGMBF | MSAP | c86fusmethylthioadenosine phosphorylase9p21
10210TOPORSLUN | P53BP3 | RP31 | TP53BPLtopoisomerase I binding, arginine/serine-rich, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase9p21
48ACO1ACONS | HEL60 | IREB1 | IREBP | IREBP1 | IRP1aconitase 19p21.1
55958KLHL9-kelch like family member 99p22
6595SMARCA2BAF190 | BRM | NCBRS | SNF2 | SNF2L2 | SNF2LA | SWI2 | Sth1p | hBRM | hSNF2aSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 29p22.3
81704DOCK8HEL-205 | MRD2 | ZIR8dedicator of cytokinesis 89p24.3
23230VPS13ACHAC | CHOREINvacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)9q21
3376IARSIARS1 | ILERS | ILRS | IRS | PRO0785isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase9q21
2776GNAQCMC1 | G-ALPHA-q | GAQ | SWSG protein subunit alpha q9q21
116224FAM122AC9orf42family with sequence similarity 122A9q21.11
23137SMC5SMC5L1structural maintenance of chromosomes 59q21.12
81689ISCA1HBLD2 | ISA1 | hIscAiron-sulfur cluster assembly 19q21.33
10558SPTLC1HSAN1 | HSN1 | LBC1 | LCB1 | SPT1 | SPTIserine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 19q22.2
7507XPAXP1 | XPACxeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A9q22.3
2203FBP1FBPfructose-bisphosphatase 19q22.3
64768IPPKC9orf12 | INSP5K2 | IP5K | IPK1 | bA476B13.1inositol-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase9q22.31
158293FAM120AOSC9orf10OSfamily with sequence similarity 120A opposite strand9q22.31
11046SLC35D2HFRC1 | SQV7L | UGTrel8 | hfrcsolute carrier family 35 member D29q22.32
138639PTPDC1PTP9Q22protein tyrosine phosphatase domain containing 19q22.32
5774PTPN3PTP-H1 | PTPH1protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 39q31
7357UGCGGCS | GLCT1UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase9q31
9128PRPF4HPRP4 | HPRP4P | PRP4 | Prp4p | RP70 | SNRNP60pre-mRNA processing factor 49q31-q33
23071ERP44PDIA10 | TXNDC4endoplasmic reticulum protein 449q31.1
54534MRPL50MRP-L50mitochondrial ribosomal protein L509q31.1
5887RAD23BHHR23B | HR23B | P58RAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein9q31.2
54942FAM206AC9orf6 | CG-8 | Simiatefamily with sequence similarity 206 member A9q31.3
2790GNG10-G protein subunit gamma 109q31.3
203197C9orf91-chromosome 9 open reading frame 919q32
9550ATP6V1G1ATP6G | ATP6G1 | ATP6GL | ATP6J | Vma10ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit G19q32
23245ASTN2bA67K19.1astrotactin 29q33.1
22954TRIM32BBS11 | HT2A | LGMD2H | TATIPtripartite motif containing 329q33.1
153090DAB2IPAF9Q34 | AIP-1 | AIP1 | DIP1/2DAB2 interacting protein9q33.1-q33.3
11064CNTRLCEP1 | CEP110 | FAN | bA165P4.1centriolin9q33.2
55755CDK5RAP2C48 | Cep215 | MCPH3CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 29q33.2
51552RAB14FBP | RAB-14RAB14, member RAS oncogene family9q33.2
5537PPP6CPP6 | PP6Cprotein phosphatase 6 catalytic subunit9q33.3
29988SLC2A8GLUT8 | GLUTX1solute carrier family 2 member 89q33.3
403341ZBTB34ZNF918zinc finger and BTB domain containing 349q33.3
7633ZNF79pT7zinc finger protein 799q34
27348TOR1BDQ1torsin family 1 member B9q34
1861TOR1ADQ2 | DYT1torsin family 1 member A9q34
8021NUP214CAIN | CANnucleoporin 214kDa9q34.1
25ABL1ABL | JTK7 | bcr/abl | c-ABL | c-ABL1 | p150 | v-ablABL proto-oncogene 1, non-receptor tyrosine kinase9q34.1
2021ENDOG-endonuclease G9q34.1
51759C9orf78HCA59 | HSPC220 | bA409K20.3chromosome 9 open reading frame 789q34.11
56262LRRC8AAGM5 | LRRC8 | SWELL1leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member A9q34.11
8939FUBP3FBP3far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 39q34.11
51490C9orf114CENP-32 | HSPC109chromosome 9 open reading frame 1149q34.11
157922CAMSAP1-calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein 19q34.3
6256RXRANR2B1retinoid X receptor alpha9q34.3
9919SEC16AKIAA0310 | SEC16L | p250SEC16 homolog A, endoplasmic reticulum export factor9q34.3

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