Search results:

The pahtway p2108 has 24 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 12 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
472ATMAT1 | ATA | ATC | ATD | ATDC | ATE | TEL1 | TELO1ATM serine/threonine kinase11q22-q23
5330PLCB2PLC-beta-2phospholipase C beta 215q15
5607MAP2K5HsT17454 | MAPKK5 | MEK5 | PRKMK5mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 515q23
3487IGFBP4BP-4 | HT29-IGFBP | IBP4 | IGFBP-4insulin like growth factor binding protein 417q21.2
10672GNA13G13G protein subunit alpha 1317q24.3
5906RAP1AC21KG | G-22K | KREV-1 | KREV1 | RAP1 | SMGP21RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family1p13.3
5876RABGGTBGGTBRab geranylgeranyltransferase beta subunit1p31
10152ABI2ABI-2 | ABI2B | AIP-1 | AblBP3 | SSH3BP2 | argBP1 | argBPIA | argBPIBabl-interactor 22q33
5334PLCL1PLCE | PLCL | PLDL1 | PPP1R127 | PRIPphospholipase C like 12q33
2624GATA2DCML | IMD21 | MONOMAC | NFE1BGATA binding protein 23q21.3
5921RASA1CM-AVM | CMAVM | GAP | PKWS | RASA | RASGAP | p120 | p120GAP | p120RASGAPRAS p21 protein activator 15q13.3
4067LYNJTK8 | p53Lyn | p56LynLYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase8q13

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